Policy and Procedure #602.0, Vetting External Guest Speakers addresses the requirements for external presentations at the 91妻友 Region District School Board (YRDSB).
On this page:
- Board Policy #602.0, Vetting External Guest Speakers
- Board Procedure #602.1, Vetting External Guest Speakers
What has Changed?
Major changes to the document: New policy and procedure in response to the Ministry Memo regarding Strengthening Academic Achievement and Transparency (May 2024).
Reason for review: Four-year cyclical review.
Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? All stakeholder groups outlined below.
Implementation timelines: Immediate upon Board approval.
Lead Superintendent(s)/Subject Matter Expert(s): Coordinating Superintendent of Education, Equity, Inclusive Schools and Community Services, Research and Assessment Services.
Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities under this Policy and Procedure
- Board of Trustees
- Director of Education
- Superintendents
- External presenters
Relationship to Board Priorities
In line with the Multi-Year Strategic Plan and Director’s Action Plan, reinforcing the Board’s commitment to ensuring a safe school environment and demonstrating professionalism, transparency, and accountability for high standards of practice in Board operations.
Timelines and Next Steps
This policy was scheduled for first review at the June 19, 2024 Policy and By-Law Standing Committee meeting.
Providing Feedback
Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert and Trustee Services.
In accordance with Board Policy 285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.
Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the online form. In your response please:
- outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
- suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and
- identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).
Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the online form or sent to the Policy Officer via email at, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora.
Legislative Context
Related Documents
Ministry Memo regarding Strengthening Academic Achievement and Transparency (May 2024),
It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students, and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.
Board Policy #602.0, Vetting External Guest Speakers
1. Policy Statement
The 91妻友 Region District School Board (YRDSB) is committed to providing students with enriching educational experiences through interactions with guest speakers. This policy ensures that all guest speakers are appropriately vetted to align with our Mission, Vision and Values, the Multi-Year Strategic Plan, the Director’s Action Plan, and the Ontario curriculum. The Board’s objective is to enhance transparency, accountability, and parental involvement by providing detailed and timely information about guest speaker events to parents and guardians.
2. Application
This policy applies to all student events where external guests or groups are invited into schools to speak and/or present to students during the school day. This requirement applies to events involving a third-party speaker or group including guests or live performances. Any event that is organized by the school, a department, a teacher or other staff member, school council, or any student group. This also applies to all students K – 12 in a school, or students in multiple classes.
Schools will provide specific information to parents and guardians at least 14 calendar days in advance of the planned event through existing communication tools supported by the Board or school.
Parents and guardians must be informed about the following:
- date and time of the activity;
- name(s) of the guest speaker(s) and the organization they represent, if any;
- title and location of the activity, together with the names of presenters or performers;
- topic or focus of the activity;
- connections to the curriculum and/or purpose of the activity; and
- details of any handout materials, giveaways, or literature that will be provided.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:
- approving and overseeing the implementation of this policy; and
- ensuring the policy aligns with the Board’s values and strategic goals.
3.2 The Director of Education is responsible for:
- ensuring compliance with the policy across all schools; and
- providing resources and support for effective implementation.
4. Definitions
4.1 Guest Speaker
An external individual invited to speak to students, providing expertise or perspectives not available within the regular curriculum.
4.2 Vetting
The process of evaluating and approving guest speakers to ensure their content is appropriate and aligns with educational goals.
4.3 Curriculum Connection
The relevance of the guest speaker’s presentation to the Ontario curriculum and its educational objectives.
5. Contact
Inclusive School and Community Services
Curriculum and Instruction Services
6. History
Drafted: May 2024
Working Document: September 2024
Board Procedure #602.1, Vetting External Guest Speakers
1. Procedure Statement
The procedure for vetting speakers and ensuring transparency in guest speaker events at the 91妻友 Region District School Board (YRDSB) is designed to uphold the Board's commitment to enriching educational experiences while maintaining alignment with its Mission, Vision, and Values, the Multi-Year Strategic Plan, the Director’s Action Plan, and the Ontario curriculum.
This procedure outlines the responsibilities of various stakeholders ensuring that guest speakers are appropriately vetted and that relevant information about guest speaker events is communicated to parents and guardians in a timely manner. Through this procedure, the YRDSB aims to foster transparency, accountability, and parental involvement, enhancing the educational value of guest speaker interactions for all students.
2. Application
This procedure applies system-wide within the YRDSB and encompasses all student events where external guests or groups are invited into schools to speak and/or present to students during the school day. It is applicable to events organized by the school, departments, teachers, school councils, or student groups, involving third-party speakers or groups, including guests or live performances.
Specifically, the procedure applies to all students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 in individual classrooms or across multiple classes within a school. It mandates that all guest speakers engaged for such events undergo a vetting process to ensure alignment with the YRDSB’s Mission, Vision, and Values, the Multi-Year Strategic Plan, the Director’s Action Plan, and the Ontario curriculum.
Parents and guardians must be informed about the following:
- date and time of the activity;
- name(s) of the guest speaker(s) and the organization they represent, if any;
- title and location of the activity, together with the names of presenters or performers;
- topic or focus of the activity;
- connections to the curriculum and/or purpose of the activity. Details of any handout materials, giveaways, or literature that will be provided;
- receive communication about the speaker and/or presentation at least 14 days prior to the event; and
- should there be a change to a planned event or should the arrangements at the school level not allow for 14 calendar days’ advance notice (i.e., change in speakers, limited planning time), the principal receive changes about the speaker and/or presentation as soon as possible.
Responsibilities are outlined for various stakeholders, including the superintendents, principals, teachers, other staff members, students, and parents. Each entity is tasked with specific duties to ensure consistent implementation of the procedure. This includes providing detailed information about guest speaker events to parents and guardians at least 14 calendar days in advance of the event, through existing communication tools supported by the Board or school.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 Superintendents of Education are responsible for:
- providing guidance and support to principals in implementing this policy and procedure within their respective schools.
3.2 Principals are responsible for:
- ensuring that all guest speakers invited to the school are appropriately vetted according to this policy and procedure;
- overseeing the communication of guest speaker event details to parents and guardians;
- monitoring compliance with this policy and procedure within the school; and
- determining when to exclude certain information (such as date and time of activity) because posting this information would pose a safety risk to students and/or staff.
3.3 Teachers and Other Staff are responsible for:
- assisting in the vetting process of guest speakers;
- supporting the integration of guest speaker events into the curriculum;
- obtaining principal approval before proceeding with inviting a guest speaker;
- ensuring that speakers align with school policies and objectives;
- providing detailed information about the proposed speaker and/or presentation including its relevance to the curriculum, education objectives and anticipated benefits for students; and
- communicating relevant information about guest speaker events to students and parents as needed.
3.4 Student and Parent Groups Organizing a Speaker are responsible for:
- obtaining principal approval before proceeding with inviting a guest speaker;
- ensuring that speakers align with school policies and objectives; and
- providing detailed information about the proposed speaker and/or presentation including its relevance to the curriculum, education objectives and anticipated benefits for students.
3.5 Students listening to a Guest Speaker and/or Presentation are responsible for:
- respecting the guest speakers and actively participating in the events organized.
3.6 Parents are responsible for:
- reviewing the information provided about guest speaker events and encourage their child's participation where appropriate; and
- providing feedback to the school regarding guest speaker events.
4. Definitions
4.1 Guest Speaker
An external individual invited to speak to students, providing expertise or perspectives not available within the regular curriculum.
4.2 Vetting
The process of evaluating and approving guest speakers to ensure their content is appropriate and aligns with educational goals.
4.3 Curriculum Connection
The relevance of the guest speaker’s presentation to the Ontario curriculum and its educational objectives.
5. Contact
Inclusive School and Community Services
Curriculum and Instruction Services
6. History
Drafted: May 2024
Working Document: September 2024