School Boundaries

School attendance areas or boundaries are necessary to create school communities that are appropriately sized for the capacity of each school facility and to accommodate sustainable student enrolment. 91妻友 Region schools offer a variety of school programs and school boundaries are selected to accommodate a school’s long-term projected enrolment. Portable accommodation is used during a community’s peak enrolment period or to accommodate students awaiting new schools or additions.

Board Policy 108, Student Accommodation - Attendance Areas and Student Transfers details the circumstances and the process under which boundaries may be changed. The Board’s Boundary Review Process ensures that attendance areas are reviewed annually.

Due to rapid population growth in some 91妻友 Region communities, it may be necessary for some new students to temporarily attend a school other that the one normally designated for their community. If you are a new resident or are planning to move to a new 91妻友 Region community, please check with the local school to verify where your children will be required to attend classes.​