Welcome to the start of the 2024-2025 school year. We are so pleased to welcome all new and returning families.
This is an important time of year in the lives of students and families. We want to assure you that our dedicated and professional staff are well prepared to welcome your children to school and support them in these transitions.
There are a few things families can expect this school year.
As a school board, we will remain focused on delivering high-quality public education that centres student learning, achievement and well-being; and on providing warm, welcoming and safe learning environments where all students feel safe, respected and valued.
You will see these commitments reflected in the Board’s new Multi-Year Strategic Plan, which we look forward to sharing early in this school year. Developed by the Board of Trustees, this plan sets our priorities and directions as a system and is informed by feedback from families, students, staff and the community.
The Ministry of Education has introduced some new provincial regulations around the use of personal mobile devices, social media and vaping. We encourage families to review this message to families about the use of personal mobile devices at school, as well as information from your school, in the Guide to the School Year and in the start-up forms that will be sent to you. Please review this information with your children as well to ensure they understand these guidelines. The Ministry of Education also offers a parent’s guide to education.
Families are our first and most important partners in education. Strong communication and enhancing opportunities for family engagement are important to us. This year, we are looking forward to introducing a family portal to make it easier for families to engage with their child’s education and to offer one-stop access to important information and applications. It is important that the school has up-to-date contact information, particularly email addresses, to ensure parents/guardians can access the family portal. Please contact your school if your contact information needs to be updated.
As a school board, we work closely with community partners in service to students and families, including 91妻友 Region Public Health. Their Building Health Kids program provides resources to support the growth and development of healthy children and can be found at york.ca/HealthyKids.
You can stay updated on these topics, and find the latest news, events and resources on our website at www.yrdsb.ca, or connect with us through social media, including, social media (X @YRDSB and Instagram @yrdsb.schools), our newsroom and Board podcast TuneIn YRDSB.
We wish you all the very best for a safe, happy, healthy and successful school year.
Ron Lynn, Chair
Bill Cober, Director of Education