Board Policy and Procedure #408.0, Appointment of Architects addresses the process for the pre-qualification and appointment of architectural firms to provide design services for new schools, additions to schools or major renovations of schools.
On this page:
Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities Under this Policy
- Board of Trustees
- Plant Services
- Planning & Property Development Services
Relationship to Board priorities
Policy and Procedure #408.0, Appointment of Architects, aligns with the Board’s initiative for equity within operational practices, demonstrates the stewardship of Board resources, and supports achievement and well-being through the design of safe and inviting schools and workplaces.
Document History and Previous Versions
Approved 1988
Revised 1992
Revised 1998
Working Document March 2014 Revised December 2014
It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.
Board Policy #408.0 Appointment of Architects
1. Policy Statement
The 91妻友 Region District School Board is committed to upholding a fair and equitable process for the pre- qualification and appointment of architectural firms to provide design services for new schools, additions to schools or major renovations of schools.
2. Application of Policy
This policy applies to all projects that are estimated to cost more than $1,000,000.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:
reviewing the Appointment of Architects policy in accordance with the priorities in the Trustees’ Multi-Year Plan and the approved policy review cycle;
understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Appointment of Architects policy, as required; and
reviewing and approving the list of pre-qualified architectural firms every three to five years.
3.2 The Director of Education is responsible for:
implementing and operationalizing the Appointment of Architects policy.
3.3 Plant Services is responsible for:
overseeing the construction of new schools, additions to schools or major renovations of schools.
3.4 The Manager of Construction is responsible for:
managing the request for proposal process for the architectural firm selection.
3.5 Purchasing Services is responsible for:
facilitating in the process for the pre-qualification and request for proposal processes of prospective bidders.
3.6 Architects are responsible for:
responding to the Board’s requests for proposals.
4. Definitions
4.1 Architect
An architect is the person who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other structures.
4.2 Pre-qualification of Prospective Bidders
Pre-qualification of prospective bidders refers to the Board’s process for screening contractors or construction professionals for specific projects. Qualifying considerations include competence, dependability, responsiveness, bonding rate, bonding capacity, work on hand, similar project experience and other specific owner requirements.
5. Department
Plant Services
6. Policy History
Approved 1988
Revised 1992
Revised 1998
Revised 2009
Working Document March 2014
Revised December 2014
Board Procedure #408.0
Appointment of Architects
This procedure outlines the specific responsibilities associated with the appointment of architects.
1. Definitions
1.1 Consulting Firm
A consulting firm represents the structural, mechanical, electrical and landscape consultants hired by the approved architect.
1.2 Fixed Fee
A fixed fee is a fee that is guaranteed and agreed upon in advance by all parties. This fee cannot be changed at any time during the project completion phase without satisfactory explanation and backup.
2. Responsibilities
2.1 The Director of Education shall:
allocate staff and resources to support the Appointment of Architects procedure.
2.2 Plant Services shall:
participate in the development of the pre-qualification document, evaluation and final recommendation of architectural firms deemed appropriate to be placed on the list of pre-qualified architectural firms for the approval of the Board of Trustees;
submit a list of pre-qualified architectural firms every three to five years to the Board of Trustees for approval;
for all projects, participate in the request for proposal process to award to an architect from the pre-qualified list based on the size of each project, the depth of staff of the architectural firm, the firm’s most recently completed projects for the Board, the present commitments of the firm, and the firm’s fee structure and any other criteria indicated;
if a stipulated price contract is not being proposed, recommend a project process to the Property Management Committee before the appointment of architects for a specific project, if a stipulated price contract is not being proposed;
appoint the architect of the original school building to carry out a subsequent addition or major renovation to the school, where reasonable and cost-efficient;
follow direction from the Property Management Committee to appoint an architect that is not on the current approved list, in unique circumstances; and
reserve the right to request from the architect alternate structural, mechanical, electrical and landscape consultants for any project if the proposed consulting firms are not acceptable.
2.3 Purchasing Services shall:
develop the pre-qualification document with the assistance of Plant Services;
advertise the Request for Pre-Qualification of Architectural Services;
evaluate and score the bid submissions with the assistance of Plant Services; and
grant pre-qualification status to those architects so deemed.
manage the request for proposal process for the architectural firm selection in consultation with Plant Services.
2.4 Architects wishing to work with the Board shall:
submit their Request for Pre-Qualification for Architectural Services to Purchasing Services before the date and time as indicated in the document;
identify in the Request for Pre-qualification package the scope of the architectural firm, experience, team strength, references, the firms technological compatibility, the firm’s most recently completed school projects, commitments of the firm and the firm’s fee structure and any other requirements indicated in the document; and
respond to any requests for proposal issued periodically throughout the term of the pre-qualification.
3. Department
Plant Services
4. Procedure History
Approved 2009
Working Document March 2014
Revised December 2014