On this page:
Procedure #532.2 Recruitment and Promotion: Principals/Vice-Principal
Procedure #532.3 Recruitment and Promotion: Supervisory Officer/Associate Director of Education
Board Procedure #532.4 Recruitment and Promotion: Regional Teacher Positions
Board Procedure #532.5, Recruitment and Promotion: Non-Union Positions
Executive Summary
As a Board that strives to ensure continuous improvement in service delivery, program provision and staff member development to support students, we recognize the value of attracting, recruiting and retaining exemplary staff members. We are committed to creating and sustaining an ethical, inclusive, caring and safe work environment through recruitment and promotion practices that are equitable, transparent and support the Board’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan.
What has Changed?
Major changes to the document: Revisions to the policy reflected recommendations from the 2018 Employment Systems Review.
Reason for review: Four-year cyclical review and recommendation from the 2018 Employment Systems Review.
Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice?
Board of Trustees
Director of Education
Associate Directors of Education and Coordinating Superintendents
Executive Council
Superintendents, Principals and Managers
Hiring Managers
Human Resource Services
Leadership Services
Payroll Services
Staff Members
Implementation timelines: Immediate.
Lead Superintendent(s)/Subject Matter Expert(s): Associate Director of Education Schools and Operations and Superintendent of Human Resource Services and Chief Negotiator.
Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities under this Policy
Board of Trustees
Director of Education
Associate Directors of Education and Coordinating Superintendents
Executive Council
Superintendents, Principals and Managers
Hiring Managers
Human Resource Services
Leadership Services
Payroll Services
Staff Members
Relationship to Board Priorities
The Recruitment and Promotion policy and procedure supports each of the four areas of the Trustees’ Multi-Year Strategic Plan as follows:
Foster Well-Being and Mental Health
The Board is committed to creating and sustaining an ethical, inclusive, caring and safe work environment through recruitment and promotion practices that are equitable and transparent.
Champion Equity and Inclusivity
In developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes to remove barriers in recruitment and promotion processes an environment of inclusion is created.
Build Collaborative Relationships
In building trusting relationships based on respectful and responsive communication, we actively engage individuals in collaborative recruitment and promotion practices.
Empower Ethical Leadership
In leading ethically by focusing on students and upholding our values, we entrust Human Resource Services with decision-making autonomy and independence in order to build leadership capacity and accessibility.
Timelines and Next Steps
This policy was scheduled for second review at the May 10, 2022 Policy and By-Law Standing Committee meeting.
Providing Feedback
Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert through Trustee Services.
In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.
Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the on-line form. In your response please;
- outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
- suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and
- identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).
Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the on-line form or sent to the Assistant Manager, Corporate Policy via email at policy.committee@yrdsb.ca, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre - Aurora.
Legislative Context
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Human Rights: Code-Related Harassment and Discrimination
Information Access and Privacy Protection
Related Documents
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Human Rights: Code-Related Harassment and Discrimination
Records and Information Management
It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.
Board Policy #532.0 Recruitment and Promotion
1. Policy Statement
The 91妻友 Region District School Board believes in attracting, recruiting and retaining exemplary and diverse staff members to support students. The Board strives to be an employer of choice that provides excellence and leadership in human resource management to maintain and strengthen collaborative relationships with employee groups. The Board is committed to creating and sustaining an inclusive, caring and safe learning and working environment through recruitment and promotion practices that are consistent, equitable, transparent, free from discrimination and that support the Multi-Year Strategic Plan.
2. Application
The process for recruiting and promoting staff is based on an individual’s ability to strengthen and support the delivery of effective and sustainable educational programs. This policy applies to all staff members and applicants for any position of employment with the 91妻友 Region District School Board.
The Board is committed to recruiting and promoting candidates based on qualifications, experiences and the demonstration of values which align with the Board’s mission and vision. The board will explore programs that recruit candidates from traditionally disadvantaged groups. Recruitment and promotion processes will:
uphold Board policies and procedures, including but not limited, to Accessibility, Conflict of Interest, Equity and Inclusivity, Human Rights: Code Related Discrimination and Harassment, Information Access and Privacy Protection and Leadership Development;
align with applicable legislation, Ministry requirements and adhere to the provisions of the collective agreements;
maintain the highest level of ethical and professional standards;
demonstrate the Board’s commitment to equitable and inclusive hiring practices to develop a workforce that is representative of the diversity of 91妻友 Region, ensuring equitable treatment of candidates throughout the hiring process;
provide candidates with the opportunity to request an accommodation at each stage of the hiring process;
train and support staff members who are involved in the hiring process; and,
support the financial stewardship of Board resources.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:
reviewing the Recruitment and Promotion policy in accordance with the priorities in the Trustees’ Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the approved policy review cycle;
hiring the Director of Education, and not participating on other hiring, promotion or appointment panels; and
understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Recruitment and Promotion policy, as required.
3.2 The Director of Education is responsible for:
implementing the Recruitment and Promotion policy and procedure.
4. Definitions
4.1 Applicant
A person who applies to a vacant position, who is either internal or external to the Board.
4.2 Bona Fide Job Requirements
A standard or rule that is integral to carrying out the requirements of a particular position within a workplace. These are required for a candidate to be considered for the position and are
included in the job posting (i.e., driver’s license, HVAC license, electrician papers, etc.). These are determined before the posting occurs and are required for all candidates.
4.3 Candidate
An applicant that is engaged in the selection process for a position; may include internal or external applicants.
4.4 Recruitment
The process of seeking and hiring qualified and diverse applicants, from within or outside of the 91妻友 Region District School Board, for a vacancy.
4.5 Promotion
Advancement to a position of greater responsibility within the organization.
4.6 Hiring Managers
Any staff member who is responsible for hiring such as, but not limited to, superintendents, principals and managers.
5. Contact
Human Resource Services
6. History
Approved: 1997
Revised: 2003, 2009, 2016
Working Document: October 2021 Approved: June 2022
Board Procedure #532.1 Recruitment and Promotion
1. Procedure Statement
The 91妻友 Region District School Board believes that attracting, recruiting and promoting exemplary and diverse staff members supports the mission of advancing student learning.
2. Application
Human Resource Services implements a recruitment strategy that strives to align the diversity of the Board’s human resources with that of 91妻友 Region. The strategy is data-informed, and involves an annual comparison of Board diversity data with the demographic data for 91妻友 Region.
2.1 Minimum Requirements for All Recruitment and Promotion Processes
In order to be consistent, equitable, transparent, and free from discrimination, all recruitment and promotion processes will, at a minimum, involve the following.
Communication with Recruitment/Human Resources staff members at key stages of the hiring process, such as, but not limited to, posting of vacancies and collaborating on the creation of interview questions/practicum.
Provision of clear and comprehensive communication at each stage of the hiring process to support the inclusion of candidates.
A job posting process designed to reach the widest possible audience, including but not limited to, job posting advertisement, social media, and community networks and associations.
A job posting which includes:
required qualifications;
a job description with bona fide requirements (i.e., those requirements needed to complete the job successfully, which may or may not be legislated);
start and end dates;
screening questions related to the position, and an equity, diversity and accommodation statement; and
notification that accommodation will be provided based on any human rights protected ground, in order to encourage applications from equity-seeking groups and ensure that job applicants understand that this accommodation is provided.
An opportunity for candidates to self-identify during the hiring process.
Screening of candidates for their ability to demonstrate the personal leadership attributes contained in the Ontario Leadership Framework and the 91妻友 Region District School Board leadership framework.
Selection criteria that may include a practicum, interview, references, written submission, qualifications, education or any other alternative selection methods, or non-traditional interview techniques that may be required.
Interviews that will include one mandatory equity and diversity question.
It is a foundational 91妻友 Region District School Board belief that, except in rare circumstances, interview panels will reflect diversity, identified in the Ontario Human Rights Code as including these protected grounds: citizenship, race, place of origin, ethnic origin, colour, ancestry, disability, age, creed, sex/pregnancy, family status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, receipt of public assistance (in housing) and record of offences (in employment).
Training of interview panels in bias-free, equitable hiring practices and ethical decision making, and providing annual training as needed to support the hiring process.
Interview panels will be committed to hiring candidates reflective of the diversity of 91妻友 Region.
The hiring and selection process will be transparent and applicants and candidates will receive regular communication from Human Resource Services, including about any changes to the process. Effective communication supports a bias-free process in order to facilitate the equitable assessment of candidates from equity-seeking groups.
In addition, these processes apply to recruitment and promotion in each of the following areas.
2.2 Community and International Education Services Positions (CIES)
Recruitment for Community and International Education Services (CIES) will adhere to the Board’s recruitment and promotion processes. Teachers and site administrators will be
permitted to work a maximum of two CIES sessions per year and one term/session at a time. In exceptional circumstances, candidates may be permitted to teach and/or administer a third session within the school year.
2.3 Canadian Union of Public Employees’ (CUPE) 1196 Positions
Recruitment and selection for positions within this employee group will be conducted in accordance with and as outlined in the CUPE 1196 collective agreement.
2.4 Canadian Union of Public Employees’ (CUPE) 1734 Positions
Recruitment and selection for positions within this employee group will be conducted in accordance with and as outlined in the CUPE 1734 collective agreement.
2.5 Ontario Public Service Employees’ Union (OPSEU) Positions
Recruitment and selection for positions within this employee group will be conducted in accordance with and as outlined in the OPSEU collective agreement.
2.6 Professional Student Services Personnel (PSSP)
Recruitment and selection for positions within this employee group will be conducted in accordance with the PSSP-OSSTF District 16 collective assignment.
3. Responsibility
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
allocate staff and resources to support the Recruitment and Promotion procedure.
3.2 The Associate Directors and Coordinating Superintendents shall:
ensure the Board’s commitment to equitable and inclusive recruitment and promotion procedures, programs, guidelines and practices are communicated to staff, students, parents and community members;
support schools and departments to develop and deliver the required training to ensure equitable recruitment, hiring and promotion practices that will ensure staff are reflective of the broader community;
provide leadership to ensure the effective implementation of the Recruitment and Promotion policy and procedure; and
ensure superintendents are provided with the knowledge and resources to understand and support the Recruitment and Promotion policy and procedure.
3.3 Executive Council shall:
consider all requests for non-union appointments without competition.
3.4 The Associate Director of Education, Schools and Operations shall:
ensure that there is support so that the Board’s recruitment, hiring and promotion practices identify and eliminate barriers with the goal of hiring staff that are reflective of the broader community; and
support the strategic implementation of the Recruitment and Promotion policy and procedure.
3.5 The Superintendent of Human Resource Services and Chief Negotiator shall:
ensure the development and implementation of recruitment and promotional practices as outlined in the procedure;
ensure recruitment and promotion practices are reviewed and audited ongoing;
ensure that hiring and promotion practices are consistent with legislative requirements;
apply inclusive outreach practices in order to align the diversity of the Board’s workforce with that of its student population and 91妻友 Region; and
ensure that inclusive hiring practices are measured and analyzed on an annual basis.
3.6 Superintendents shall:
ensure that hiring managers understand and adhere to the Recruitment and Promotion procedure; and
approve permanent teacher hiring.
3.7 Recruitment Services shall:
ensure hiring managers have the necessary resources to support recruitment and promotion processes;
ensure that actions are taken in Recruitment and with hiring managers so that, in situations where two candidates are successful, equal in skills, experience and education (and close in score), priority in given to hiring candidates who are reflective of the diversity in 91妻友 Region communities;
collaborate with hiring managers to implement recruitment and promotion practices;
ensure hiring managers are aware of and trained in bias free hiring practices; and
annually prepare and distribute hiring toolkits and tips for ‘Bias Free Hiring’ practices.
3.8 Leadership Development shall:
support the recruitment process by providing resources and professional development opportunities for staff members who are considering future career opportunities; and
develop and facilitate mentorship programs to support the development and advancement for aspiring racialized groups/staff, identified leaders, etc.
3.9 Hiring Managers shall:
ensure that recruitment and promotion processes are ethical, fair, equitable and transparent;
ensure that, except in rare circumstances, interview panels reflect diversity, identified in the Ontario Human Rights Code as including these protected grounds: citizenship, race, place of origin, ethnic origin, colour, ancestry, disability, age, creed, sex/pregnancy, family status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, receipt of public assistance (in housing) and record of offences (in employment);
in situations where two candidates are successful, equal in skills, experience and education (and close in score), give priority to hiring candidates who are reflective of the diversity in 91妻友 Region communities;
complete any mandatory training relevant to hiring, equity, diversity and other legislative requirements; and
disclose any potential conflict of interest as outlined in the Board’s Conflict of Interest policy and procedure.
3.10 Candidates shall:
be aware of and adhere to the Recruitment and Promotion policy and processes;
conduct themselves in a professional manner throughout the recruitment and promotion process;
provide sufficient notice to hiring managers and recruitment staff of any accommodation requirements at each stage of the process; and
disclose any potential conflict of interest as outlined in the Board’s Conflict of Interest policy and procedure.
4. Definitions
4.1 Eligibility List
A list of candidates who have successfully completed the selection process and may be considered to fill future vacancies. Eligibility is reviewed on an ongoing basis, based on the needs of the position.
4.2 Self-Identification
An optional question on a job application that allows the applicant to identify and assign a specific characteristic or categorization to oneself, as belonging to a particular group or category.
4.3 Hiring Toolkits
Hiring toolkits provide an overview of expectations and system supports with regard to the selection process. Tool kits will be updated every three years to ensure alignment with legislation, Ministry requirements and to reflect best practices in recruitment and promotion. Tool kits may contain:
general instructions for hiring;
interview preamble;
summary of the selection process;
template for interview questions;
candidate table copy of interview questions;
template reference check form;
score sheets for selection process;
instructions for feedback, where applicable;
‘Bias Free Hiring’ tip sheets;
the Hiring Practices video link; and
checklist of required/completed documents in each candidate package/file.
4.4 Reference Checks
The process of contacting a candidate’s most recent employer and/or supervisor to verify experience, position and work ethic. References must have directly supervised a candidate in the workplace.
5. Contact
Human Resource Services
6. History
Approved: 2016
Revised: 2021
Board Procedure #532.2 Recruitment and Promotion: Principals/Vice-Principal
1. Procedure Statement
The 91妻友 Region District School Board believes that attracting, recruiting and promoting exemplary and diverse Principals and Vice-Principals supports the mission of advancing students.
2. Application
Human Resource Services has implemented a recruitment strategy for Principals and Vice- Principals that strives to align the diversity of the Board’s human resources with that of 91妻友 Region.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 Human Resource Services shall:
organize the selection process for Principals and Vice-Principals periodically, as determined by the Director;
ensure all Administrators/Superintendents involved in the hiring process have completed their annual Human Rights, Anti-Discrimination and Bias training; and
ensure that the process follows the Recruitment and Promotion Policy.
3.2 Candidates shall:
review the process for hiring Principals and Vice-Principals; and
follow the steps in the appropriate process.
3.3 Superintendents shall:
participate on selection committees as assigned; and
ensure that, when two candidates are assessed as equal, that the diverse candidate is selected.
3.4 Process
3.4.1 Principal Positions - Internal and External Candidates
The recruitment and selection process for principals is designed so that candidates may move forward at any time during the year, given observable evidence. The process is designed to collect evidence through their success in the YRDSB Leadership Framework in order to assess candidate readiness. The process will assess and identify those who demonstrate the skills, knowledge and experience required and are ready to become principals. Internal candidates will be supported through the process by their current principal and superintendent. The process involves the following stages for both internal and external candidates:
Stage 1: Application and Impact of Leadership Presentation
Stage 2: Panel Interview
Stage 3: References
3 references are required including:
current direct supervisor
self-selected superintendent
professional reference
Successful candidates are placed on an eligibility list to fill future vacancies. Principal candidacy is reviewed along with other considerations for upcoming Principal positions as they arise through an established Administrator moves process with the Senior Leadership Team.
Candidates will be notified if they are moving forward at each stage of the process. Additional information about the process is available in the Principal Selection Process online, and in the YRDSB Leadership Framework for School Administrators.
3.4.2 Vice-Principal Positions - Internal and External Candidates
The recruitment and selection process for Vice-Principals is designed so that candidates may move forward at any time during the year, given observable evidence. The process is designed to collect evidence through their success in the YRDSB Leadership Framework in order to assess candidate readiness. The process will assess and identify those who demonstrate the skills, knowledge and experience required and are ready to become principals. Internal candidates will be supported through the process by their current principal and superintendent. The process involves the following stages for both internal and external candidates:
Stage 1: Application and Impact of Leadership presentation
Stage 2: Panel Interview (virtual or in person)
Stage 3: References
3 references are required including:
current direct supervisor
self-selected superintendent
professional reference
Successful candidates are placed on an eligibility list to fill future vacancies. Vice Principal candidacy is reviewed along with other considerations for upcoming Vice Principal positions as they arise through an established Administrator moves process with the Senior Leadership Team.
Candidates will be notified if they are moving forward at each stage of the process.
4. Definitions
4.1 Eligibility List
A list of candidates who have successfully completed the selection process and may be considered to fill future vacancies. Eligibility is reviewed on an ongoing basis, based on the needs of the position.
4.2 Self-Identification
An optional question on a job application that allows the applicant to identify and assign a specific characteristic or categorization to oneself, as belonging to a particular group or category.
4.3 Hiring Toolkits
Hiring toolkits provide an overview of expectations and system supports with regard to the selection process. Tool kits will be updated every three years to ensure alignment with legislation, Ministry requirements and to reflect best practices in recruitment and promotion.
Tool kits may contain:
general instructions for hiring;
interview preamble;
summary of the selection process;
template for interview questions;
candidate table copy of interview questions;
template reference check form;
score sheets for selection process;
instructions for feedback, where applicable;
hiring tip sheets;
the Hiring Practices video link; and
checklist of required/completed documents in each candidate package/file.
4.4 Reference Checks
The process of contacting a candidate’s most recent employer and/or supervisor to verify experience, position and work ethic. References must have directly supervised a candidate in the workplace.
5. Contact
Human Resource Services
6. History
Approved: 2021
Revised: September 2023
Board Procedure #532.3 Recruitment and Promotion: Supervisory Officer/Associate Director of Education
1. Procedure Statement
The 91妻友 Region District School Board believes that the selection of innovative, forward- thinking, visionary educational leaders, who will drive systemic change, is critical to its success. The leaders in these positions champion the renewed commitment of the Board to equity, diversity, inclusivity and human rights in an environment of transparency, integrity and trust.
Associate Directors of Education and Supervisory Officers are accountable to the Director of Education and are responsible for the implementation of the Board’s Mission, Vision and Values and Multi-Year Strategic Plan. They are vital to its success.
The Board is committed to undertaking a comprehensive selection process which demonstrates commitment to transparency and relationship building.
2. Application
A Selection Committee will oversee the selection process. The Director of Education is responsible for recommending candidates for hire.
2.1 Selection Process
2.1.1 Step One: Selection Committee and Support
The Director will develop terms of reference for the Selection Committee. Staff members who have a conflict of interest may not participate, and must disclose the conflict of interest as outlined in the Conflict of Interest policy and procedure.
Before beginning the selection process, Committee members will be trained in bias-free and equitable hiring practices and ethical decision making.
In consultation with the Selection Committee, the Director of Education will determine if an executive search firm is required to support the process. Purchasing Services will support the choice. The Director will approve the appointment of the executive search firm.
The Selection Committee will:
develop a timeline and communication plan that is transparent and raises public awareness;
develop a Candidate Profile, Job Description, Job Posting, Interview Questions/Format and Evaluation Criteria that are aligned with the strategic priorities of the Board and take into consideration input collected from trustees, staff and identified members of the community;
establish the interview panel;
develop the structure of the interview;
use the Candidate Profile, Job Description, Job Posting and Evaluation Criteria to develop a short list of candidates invited for an interview; and
advise Corporate Communications to develop internal and external communications, in consultation with the Selection Committee.
2.1.2 Step Four: Interview of Short-Listed Candidates
The Interview Panel will:
conduct confidential interviews of short-listed candidates;
analyze each candidate using the evaluation criteria;
ensure confidential reference checks are performed by Human Resource Services or the executive search firm for candidates being considered for the position; and
through discussion, identify a candidate, or a group of candidates, who best meet the criteria outlined in the Job Description.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
develop terms of reference for the Selection Committee;
approve the appointment of an executive search firm, where applicable;
approve the Candidate Profile, Evaluation Criteria, Job Posting and Job Description;
work with the Selection Committee to repeat steps if a candidate is not identified; and
provide regular updates on the selection process to the Board of Trustees.
3.2 The Selection Committee shall:
participate in training on bias-free and equitable hiring practices and ethical decision making;
engage staff members to support the process, as required; and
review the Associate Director of Education and Supervisory Officer Selection Procedure following the completion of each selection process, recommending any change to Executive Council.
3.3 The Interview Panel shall:
select an Associate Director candidate who will be offered a position;
select supervisory officer candidate(s) who will be placed on an eligibility list;
hold in confidence the names and information of all candidates; and
participate in training in bias-free and equitable hiring practices and ethical decision making.
3.4 Human Resource Services and/or the Executive Search Firm, shall:
advise the Director, Selection Committee and Interview Panel;
support the transparent implementation of the Associate Director of Education and Supervisory Officer procedure;
be present and provide assistance at all stages of the interview process;
ensure all appropriate employment documentation is completed, and
provide confirmation to the Director that all aspects of the procedure were followed.
3.5 Purchasing Services shall:
- support the hiring of an executive search firm, where applicable.
3.6 Corporate Communications shall:
- develop and implement a communication plan, working with the Selection Committee.
4. Definitions
4.1 Candidate Profile
Outlines the capabilities, experiences, and leadership traits required for success.
4.2 Evaluation Criteria
These are based on the Candidate Profile and used to ensure consistent evaluation of candidates. Desired attributes for the position will be ranked and measured on a scale. These criteria will be used by the Interview Panel to ensure consistency and fairness. Evaluation Criteria will be available to the public as part of the Position Profile.
4.3 Interview Panel
A group of individuals responsible for the interview. Members will include;
Director of Education,
One Associate Director of Education,
One Senior Leadership Team member responsible for Equity or Human Rights,
Two additional representatives from the Senior Leadership Team, and
Senior Recruitment representative.
Trustees hire the Director of Education, and do not participate on Associate Director or supervisory officer hiring, promotion or appointment panels.
4.4 Selection Committee
Senior staff members responsible for ensuring a transparent Selection Process. Membership must include, at a minimum:
Director of Education;
Associate Director of Education;
one Senior Leadership Team member responsible for Equity and Human Rights;
one Senior Leadership Team member responsible for Human Resource Services;
one Senior Leadership Team member responsible for Leadership Development;
Chief Financial Officer; and
additional staff members (i.e., manager(s), senior staff).
The Selection Committee will be supported by Human Resource Services and/or an external consultant, as appropriate.
5. Contact
Department: Human Resource Services; Corporate Secretariat and Trustee Services.
6. History
Approved: 2021
Revised: May 2022
Related Content
Board Procedure #532.4 Recruitment and Promotion: Regional Teacher Positions
1. Procedure Statement
The 91妻友 Region District School Board believes that the selection for regional teacher positions is critical to ensuring the success of students. Teachers hired for these roles are educational leaders in the area(s) to which they are appointed.
The process of hiring regional teaching positions heightens the positive flow of expertise into the regional department and back into schools while fostering equitable and meaningful opportunities for professional growth and leadership succession. Selection processes and terms of office are the same for similar positions in all departments of the Board.
The Board is committed to an equitable and transparent selection process for all regional teacher positions.
2. Application
A selection committee will select successful applicants for regional teacher positions.
There are three stages to the recruitment and promotion process for positions within Curriculum and Instructional Services, Student Services and Inclusive School and Community Services (i.e., Coordinators, Consultants, Facilitators, SERTS, etc.). Each selection process may include, but is not limited to, the following three stages.
Stage 1: Resume, Cover Letter
Stage 2: Panel Interview Practicum
Stage 3: Reference checks and employee file review for the successful candidate only
Candidates will be notified if they are moving forward at each stage of the process.
2.1 Term
Subject to collective agreements, the term of regional teaching positions is three years with a one year extension, subject to approval of the appropriate Superintendent and the Associate Director of Education. Certain positions are eligible for a second one year extension (e.g., Coordinators). Extensions beyond the initial three years are not automatic. Extensions may be applied to either the first three-year term (e.g., 3+1), or after the second term, but not both, and are based on the time required to accomplish the objectives established in the contract reflecting system needs.
Once a teacher has reached the number of maximum years, teachers are expected to return to a school for a period of three years prior to being considered for another regional teaching position. This maximum number of years will also include external Secondments.
2.2 Temporary/Term Regional Teaching Positions
A teacher who serves in a regional temporary/term position immediately prior to accepting a full- term regional position will have the time deducted from the length of the first full-term (e.g., one year in a temporary/term regional teaching position would result in the first full-term being two years in length).
Once in a term position you are unable to be considered to another lateral term position. If an incumbent vacates their term position for a non-legislative leave, the term position will end and be reposted.
2.3 Applications for Term Renewals
Staff may:
apply once to renew the term, or
choose to a apply for a different position (same or different level) within the same department, or
apply for a position (same or different level) in a different department.
A staff member may serve two consecutive terms in regional teaching positions for a maximum of seven years (or eight, where applicable). For example, a teacher may have one term as a math consultant and another as an Equity Teacher Facilitator, before returning to a school. A regional teacher may only apply for a second term in year three of the role or in an extension year.
2.4 Promotion from Consultant to Coordinator
Regional teachers may apply for a posted Coordinator role in any year of the term. The promotion to coordinator will restart the term count. A regional teacher who has served two consecutive terms as a consultant will still be eligible to serve two subsequent consecutive terms as a coordinator (plus any applicable extension).
Impact of Leaves taken during the term of an assignment:
legislated leaves (e.g., maternity leave): the term will be extended by the duration of the legislated leave;
non-legislated leaves (e.g., infant care, deferred salary plan, educational leaves, and secondments): the term will not be extended beyond the duration of the assignment.
3. Contact
Human Resource Services
4. History
Approved: October 2022
Revised: December 2022, May 2023
Board Procedure #532.5
Recruitment and Promotion: Non-Union Positions
1. Procedure Statement
The process for the selection of candidates to fill non-union positions in the 91妻友 Region District School Board is equitable and transparent. These positions are critical to provide support for the school system and, in turn, support for students.
2. Application
A selection committee will select successful applicants for non-union positions. These non-union positions are included in the non-union pay grid, Bands #1 – #10, as defined by the Board.
2.1 Non-Union Positions
Recruitment for non-union positions will be conducted in accordance with the Board’s recruitment and promotion process. Positions will be posted both internally and externally. The detailed process that is followed is outlined in the recruitment and promotion guidelines for non-union management and support staff.
Candidates will be notified if they are moving forward at each stage of the process.
In exceptional circumstances, where a vacancy occurs that requires an exceptional skill set, business need or where other unusual circumstances exist, a staff member who has been performing the duties and responsibilities of the position and demonstrated exceptional competence may be appointed where a competitive process is not practical or in the best interest of the organization. A request to fill a non-union position (non-union staff appointment process) without competition must be considered and approved by the Coordinating Team/Coordinating Council of Superintendents/Executive Council.
3. Contact
Human Resource Services
4. History
Approved: October 2022
Revised: December 2022