Policy and Procedure #635.0, Student Dress Code


Board Policy and Procedure #635.0, Student Dress Code outline the responsibilities of each school community to develop a student dress code.

On this page:

Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities Under this Policy

  • Board of Trustees
  • Director of Education
  • Principals
  • School Staff Members
  • School Councils
  • Parents/Guardians
  • Students


Relationship to Board priorities

The Student Dress Code policy and procedure support student achievement and well-being by ensuring that students dress in an appropriate manner for learning which demonstrates respect for themselves and others.


Implementation Timelines



Document History and Previous Versions

Approved 2002

Revised 2008

Working Document February 2014 Revised November 2014


It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.



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Board Policy #635.0 Student Dress Code


1. Policy Statement

The 91妻友 Region District School Board believes that students must focus on achievement and well-being to be successful. It is important that students dress appropriately to demonstrate respect for self and others at all times.

Each school shall establish a student dress code that promotes a caring, safe and respectful learning environment. All student dress codes must consider the diversity of the community in terms of culture, socioeconomic status, gender and other factors.

The student dress code applies at school, on field trips and during any other school-related activity or event.


2. Responsibilities


2.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:

  1. reviewing the Student Dress Code policy in accordance with the priorities in the Trustees’ Multi-Year Plan and the approved policy review cycle; and

  2. understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Student Dress Code policy, as required.


2.2 The Director of Education is responsible for:

  1. implementing and operationalizing the Student Dress Code policy.


2.3 Principals are responsible for:

  1. informing students, staff and parents of the student dress code;

  2. working with the school council to develop the student dress code in accordance with Board policies and procedures;

  3. ensuring the student dress code is followed; and

  4. working with the school council, review the student dress code every two years.


2.4 School staff members are responsible for:

  1. supporting the implementation of the student dress code.


2.5 School Councils are responsible for:

  1. working with the principal to develop the student dress code in consultation with students, parents and community members;

  2. understanding that any school may adopt a school uniform in accordance with the Student Dress Code policy and procedure;

  3. considering requests for the adoption of a school uniform; and

  4. working with the principal to review the student dress code every two years.


2.6 Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are responsible for:

  1. providing input on the development of the student dress code; and

  2. ensuring their child follows the student dress code.


2.7 Students are responsible for:

  1. providing input on the development of the student dress code; and

  2. following the student dress code.


3. Legislative Context

Education Act


4. Definitions


4.1 Student Dress Code

Student dress code is a standard for all students that meets school community expectations for appropriate dress.

The student dress code may include a school uniform.


4.2 School Uniform

A school uniform is a set of standardized clothes selected by the school community and worn by all students.


5. Department

Education and Community Services


6. Policy History

Approved 2002

Revised 2008

Working Document February 2014

Revised November 2014


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Board Procedure #635.0 Student Dress Code

This procedure outlines actions to be followed while initiating, managing and maintaining the student dress code.


1. Application of Procedure

Considerations for developing a student dress code:

  1. safety;

  2. Ontario Human Rights Code;

  3. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;

  4. socioeconomic factors;

  5. mobility;

  6. consequences for not complying;

  7. students with special needs;

  8. cultural and religious issues;

  9. weather; and

  10. age of students.


1.1 Adopting a School Uniform

Any school may adopt a school uniform.

In order to adopt a school uniform, a vote must be held. In that vote, 80 per cent or more of all potential ballots must support the proposal. The principal will determine the method of voting, choosing one of the examples below:


2. Definitions


2.1 Adult student

An adult student is a pupil of the Board who is 18 years of age or older or who is 16 or 17 years of age and has withdrawn from parental control.


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. if parents are given one vote per child in the school or one vote is given to an adult student in the school, and there are 1,000 students in the school, 800 or more affirmative ballots are required to adopt the proposed school uniform; or

  2. if families are given one vote per family and there are 500 families in the school, 400 or more affirmative ballots are required to adopt the proposed school uniform.

  3. allocate staff and resources to support the Student Dress Code procedure.


3.2 Principals shall:

  1. ensure that the school has a student dress code;

  2. where a school uniform is recommended, organize a vote on the adoption of the uniform, including;

    • determining the method of voting,

    • establishing timelines for the voting process, and

    • ensuring that the formal vote shall be to “accept” or “reject”,

  3. after a uniform is adopted, establish and implement the uniform; and

  4. in schools where a school uniform has been adopted, ensure that all students, regardless of socioeconomic status, have access to the school uniform, working with the school council.


3.3 Staff Members shall:

  1. inform students of the student dress code; and

  2. work with the principal to ensure the student dress code is followed.


3.4 School Councils shall:

  1. work with the principal to develop and/or review the student dress code;

  2. if a school uniform is recommended, work with the principal to;

    • determine proposed uniform(s), taking into account dress code considerations and consulting with staff, parents/guardians, students and community members,

    • where there is more than one school uniform option, distribute the proposed uniform to all parents/guardians, students and staff and organize a survey to determine the final proposed school uniform,

    • the final uniform proposal will be the one that receives at least 50 per cent of respondents in support on the survey, and

    • clearly communicate the final uniform recommendation, including a description and cost, to all school families;

  3. assist the principal in organizing a vote on the adoption of the uniform;

  4. limit formal votes on the school uniform to once every three years; and

  5. work with the principal to monitor the student dress code on an ongoing basis.


3.5 Parent(s)/Guardian(s) shall:

  1. ensure their child follows the student dress code, including school uniform where applicable; and

  2. participate in any process for determining whether or not the school will adopt a school uniform.


3.6 Students shall:

  1. comply with the student dress code, including school uniform where applicable.


4. Department

Education and Community Services


5. Procedure History

July 2002

Revised 2008

Working Document February 2014 Revised November 2014