Board Policy and Procedure #180, External Research, addresses the expectations for institutions, agencies, staff members or other individuals making requests to conduct non-Board initiated research in its schools and departments.
On this page:
Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities Under this Policy
Board of Trustees
Director of Education
Manager, Research Services
External Research Review Committee
External Researchers
Relationship to Board priorities
All external research must align with priorities as outlined in the Multi-Year Strategic Plan, Director’s Annual Plan, Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well-Being, and the School and/or Department Plan.
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It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.
Board Policy #180.0
External Research
1. Policy Statement
It is the policy of the 91妻友 Region District School Board to consider requests by institutions, agencies, staff members, or other individuals who wish to conduct research that is not initiated by the Board in its schools and departments.
While being supportive of external research, the Board recognizes that students have been entrusted to schools for their own personal education, and considers this its primary focus. All external research must support priorities as outlined in Board Plans, including the Multi-Year Strategic Plan. It is expected that external research will not have an adverse effect on students, staff, or Board resources.
2. Responsibilities
2.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:
reviewing the External Research policy in accordance with the Multi-Year Strategic Plan, and the approved policy review cycle; and
understanding and communicating with members of the community about the External Research policy, as required.
2.2 The Director of Education is responsible for:
implementing the External Research policy; and
granting, denying or deferring research proposals based on recommendations by the External Research Review Committee.
3. History
Approved: 1996
Working Document: March 2013, March 2018
Revised: 2002, 2008, 2013, February 2019
Board Procedure #180.0
External Research
1. Application
1.1 Approval Criteria
1.2 External Research Review Committee
1.3 External Researcher
1.4 Participants
Persons who take part in a research study and from whom data are obtained.
2. Definitions
2.1 Informed Consent Form
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
3.2 The External Research Review Committee shall:
ensure that requests to conduct research in the Board meet the External Research Review Committee Approval Criteria and Guidelines; and
provide recommendations to the Director about research proposals based on Approval Criteria and Guidelines.
3.3 The Manager, Research Services shall:
chair the External Research Review Committee meetings;
bring forward applications to the members of the External Research Review Committee for review; and
provide advice and recommendations.
3.4 Research Services shall:
notify the researchers in writing of the final decision regarding the research proposal on behalf of the Director of Education;
if the study is approved;
advise the principal(s) of the potentially involved schools, and
provide the principal(s) with general information about the research project and the name of the researcher who will contact him or her to request participation, and
store the research application, communications, summary reports and other relevant documents according to the Board’s records retention schedules.
3.5 Superintendents shall:
provide advice and recommendations for external research requests, as necessary.
3.6 Principals and Managers shall:
direct external researchers (including staff) wishing to conduct research in their school or workplace to the External Research policy;
make decisions regarding approved external research project;
determine whether their school or workplace will participate in the research project;
review the approval conditions for specific external research projects as communicated by Research Services;
ensure that the researcher presents the Police Vulnerable Sector Check upon entry to the school or workplace, if applicable; and
ensure that the researcher has proof of written consent from a parent for students under the age of 18, or written consent from students who are 18 years or over or who have withdrawn from parental control.
3.7 External Researchers shall:
submit their requests to conduct research in the Board’s schools or departments to the Manager, Research Services;
Comply with all Board policies and procedures;
ensure that their research conforms to the Approval Criteria and Guidelines.
complete all sections of the Board’s research application form;
ensure that any additional documents included with the research application form do not exceed five pages in length;
submit the appropriate number of copies of the proposal no later than the submission deadline;
ensure that the materials are organized into individual packages for distribution;
direct questions and submit applications to Research Services;
attend meetings with members of the External Research Review Committee, if requested;
upon approval of the research proposal:
obtain a Police Vulnerable Sector Check prior to commencement of the research,
make arrangements to implement the project in collaboration with the principal to minimize disruption to the school,
ensure that consent from participants is fully informed and obtained before beginning the research, and
sign an agreement indicating the future uses of any resources or products created as a result of the research comply with the following;
any not-for-profit resources or products created as a result of the research will be made available to the Board at no cost for internal use only, or
any for-profit resources or products created as a result of the research become the joint property of the researcher(s) and the Board unless otherwise agreed to by the Director;
upon completion of the research;
provide an executive summary report to Research Services, and communicate findings to interested research participants and stakeholders.
3.8 Parents shall:
determine whether or not they consent to their child’s participation in the research if the child is under 18 years of age, and, if they agree to their child’s participation, read and sign the informed consent document.
3.9 Potential student participants shall:
read the informed consent form;
provide agreement if they agree to participate in the research (if they are under 18 years of age and have parental consent); and
sign the informed consent form if they agree to participate in the research if they are 18 years of age or older or have withdrawn from parental control.
3.9 Potential staff participants shall:
confirm approval of the external research project with their principal or manager before participating in the study; and
read and sign the inform consent form provided by the researcher if they agree to be a participant in the research.
4. History
Approved: 2008
Working Document: March 2013, March 2018
Revised: February 2019