Policy and Procedure #211.0, Director of Education Performance Review


The Director of Education Performance Review policy and procedure address the Board’s commitment to providing an environment where the Director is supported in achieving the performance expectations of their position. 

On this page:

What has Changed?

Major changes to the document: 

Reason for review: Four-year cyclical review. Revisions are in accordance with changes to Ontario Regulation 83/24: Director of Education Performance Appraisal.

Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? All stakeholder groups outlined below.

Implementation timelines: Immediate upon Board approval. 

Lead Superintendent(s)/Subject Matter Expert(s): Comptroller, Corporate and Legal Affairs.


Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities under this Policy

  • Trustees
  • Director of Education
  • Director of Education Performance Review Committee
  • External Consultant
  • Trustee Services


Relationship to Board Priorities

The Director of Education Performance Review policy and procedure supports student success and fosters ethical leadership and confidence in public education by ensuring that regular and cyclical performance appraisals of the Director of Education are completed.


Timelines and Next Steps

This policy was scheduled for first review at the June 19, 2024 Policy and By-Law Standing Committee meeting.


Providing Feedback

Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert through Trustee Services.

In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.

Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the on-line form. In your response please;

  • outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
  • suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and
  • identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).

Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the on-line form or sent to the Policy Officers via email at policy.committee@yrdsb.ca, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora.


Legislative Context

Education Act

Ontario Regulation 83/24: Director of Education Performance Appraisal

It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students, and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.


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Board Policy #211.0, Director of Education Performance Review


1. Policy Statement

The Director of Education has leadership responsibilities for implementing the elected Board’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan by maintaining an effective organization with the programs and services that operationalize the Board’s policies.

Respecting the Mission, Vision and Values and the strategic priorities outlined the successful performance of the Director of Education is critical to ensuring organizational success and provides demonstrated evidence of progress towards the achievement of Board priorities.

The Director of Education performance review strengthens the organization by making it accountable and proactive in meeting the needs of students and the broader school community. The review provides:

  1. a mutual and reciprocal learning opportunity for both the Director of Education and the Board of Trustees;
  2. a mechanism for the Director to develop clear expectations and plans for the system; 
  3. the Director with concrete feedback from the Board and selected stakeholders to be used as a basis for personal development; and 
  4. an opportunity to confirm and acknowledge successes. 


2. Application

While feedback is an ongoing process, the performance of the Director of Education is reviewed annually and comprehensively bi-annually using a 360-degree performance feedback format. It is an opportunity to annually clarify expectations, set goals and priorities and engage in constructive and strategic dialogue and bi-annually obtain feedback from stakeholders that extends beyond the Board of Trustees.


2.1 Accountability and Transparency

An accountable, transparent, and effective Director of Education Performance Review process will;

  1. identify a clear rationale and objectives for the process; 
  2. meet legal and other requirements of the Director’s employment contract; 
  3. clearly outline a process and timelines in accordance with the policy;
  4. identify mutually agreed upon assessment criteria and goals that are measurable, based on the Directors Position Profile the Multi-Year Strategic Plan, legislative requirements and Board policy;
  5. collect objective evidence to support assessment criteria and goals; 
  6. outline overall performance based on agreed upon assessment criteria and goals as outlined in the performance plan; 
  7. identify a process for addressing situations where performance is unsatisfactory; and
  8. include a written report for approval by the Board of Trustees.


2.2 Confidentiality

The Director of Education performance review is confidential and will be conducted in private. In accordance with the Education Act, Section 207(2)(b), Closing of certain committee meetings, which states the disclosure of intimate, personal, or financial information in respect of a member of the Board or committee, an employee or prospective employee of the board or a pupil or his or her parents or guardian, specific details and materials related to the performance review will remain confidential. Only information about the completion of the process and identification of goals and priorities will be shared. 


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:

  1. reviewing the Director of Education Performance Review policy in accordance with the priorities in the Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the approved policy review cycle; 
  2. reviewing input from the Director of Education on any strategic priorities that may be changing based on the evolving community, educational and political environment;
  3. addressing any allegations of inappropriate conduct of the Director of Education in accordance with the appropriate policy and/or procedure, including but not limited to the Standards of Conduct policy and procedure
  4. understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Director of Education Performance Review policy and procedure, in accordance with the policy; 
  5. enacting the Director of Education Performance Review procedure; and
  6. approving any revisions to the Director of Education Performance Review procedure. 


3.2 The Director of Education is responsible for:

  1. actively participating in the performance review process.


4. Contact

Board Chair

Director of Education

Director’s Office


5. History

Approved: 1995

Working Document: July 2012, November 2017, June 2024

Revised: 2003, 2007, 2013, November 2018


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Board Procedure #211.1, Director of Education Performance Review


1. Procedure Statement

The Director of Education Performance Review will provide constructive feedback and focus on effective strategies and leadership practices that demonstrate progress the Director of Education’s Performance Plan on agreed upon objectives and performance measures that are aligned with the Director of Education’s Position Profile which take into consideration the following:

  1. Board priorities, including, but not limited to the Multi-Year Strategic Plan andMission, Vision and Values
  2. leadership competencies that respect the Ontario Leadership Framework; and 
  3. any other duties and responsibilities outlined in the Education Act, Board policy and/or Director’s employment contract. 


2. Director of Education Performance Review Committee

This committee of the Board is responsible for working with an external consultant to execute the Director of Education Performance Review in accordance with the Director of Education Performance Review policy and procedure. 

The Committee will be composed of the Chair of the Board and four additional trustees approved by the Board annually. The external consultant and Director of Education are non-voting members of this Committee. 

Administrative support will be provided by Trustee Services.

The Committee is responsible for conducting any performance appraisal required by Regulation in respect of evaluation cycles that occur with the Board.


3. Timing of evaluation cycles

A director of education whose start date is a date described in Column 1 of the Table to this section shall have:

  1. an interim evaluation cycle that has an end date set out opposite the start date of the role in Column 2 of the Table; and
  2. a first full evaluation cycle that has a start date set out opposite the start date of the role in Column 3 of the Table.

If a director of education has an interim evaluation cycle with a board, the interim evaluation cycle begins on their start date in that role with the board.

After a director of education’s first full evaluation cycle with a board, they shall have full evaluation cycles annually with that board.


Table outlines timing of evaluation cycles




Start date of role as director of education

End date for interim evaluation cycle


Start date of first full evaluation cycle




Before March 1, 2024.NoneJuly 1, 2024




On or after March 1, 2024 and on or before June 30, 2024.


June 30, 2025July 1, 2025



On or after July 1 in a year and on or before the last day of February in the following year.


The first June 30 following their start date.The first July 1 following their start date.




On or after March 1 in a year and on or before June 30 in that same year.

June 30 in the following calendar year.July 1 in the following calendar year.

3.1 Actions to be taken during full evaluation cycle

During a full evaluation cycle, the person or entity set out in Column 1 of the Table to this section shall take the actions set out opposite the person or entity in Column 2 of the Table on or before the date set out in Column 3.

The action required by item 8 of the Table to this section shall not be taken before February 1 in the full evaluation cycle, as indicated below.

Table outlines actions to be taken during full evaluation cycle table
1Committee chair and at least one other member of the committeeMeet with the director of education to develop and finalize their performance plan.July 31
2Committee chairProvide a copy of the director of education’s performance plan to every member of the board.August 15
3Chair of the board1.  Provide written notice to the Minister that includes the following information,
i.  the date that the person began their role as director of education for the board,
ii.  whether the steps set out in subsection 8 (1) are required to be taken during the current full evaluation cycle, and
iii. confirmation that the director of education’s performance plan has been put in place for the current full evaluation cycle.
2.  Post a copy of the confirmation on the board’s website.
August 15
4MinisterIf it is a full evaluation cycle in which the steps set out in subsection 8 (1) are required to be taken, provide written notice to the board and the director of education indicating whether the Minister intends to provide feedback under section 8.

December 1


5Committee chairRequest feedback from every board member in respect of the director of education’s progress toward implementing the actions and achieving the goals in the performance plan.

January 11


6Each member of the boardProvide any feedback requested in item 5 to the chair of the committee.

January 21


7Committee chair and at least one other member of the committeeMeet with the director of education to review their progress toward implementing the actions and achieving the goals contained in the performance plan and to discuss other matters relevant to the performance plan.

January 31


8Entity described in subsection 8 (1)If it is a full evaluation cycle in which the steps set out in section 8 are required to be taken, perform the step described in paragraph 1 of subsection 8 (1).

April 30


9Entity described in subsection 8 (1)If it is a full evaluation cycle in which an assessment is required to be performed under section 8, provide the report described in paragraph 2 of subsection 8 (1) to the committee and the director of education.

May 15


10Director of educationUpdate the performance plan in accordance with subsection 9 (4).

June 10


11Committee chairProvide a copy of the draft performance appraisal report, prepared in accordance with section 10, in respect of the director of education to every member of the board.

June 20


12Each member of the boardProvide any feedback on the draft performance appraisal report to the committee.

June 30


3.2 Actions to be taken during interim evaluation cycle

During an interim evaluation cycle, the person or entity set out in Column 1 of the Table to this section shall take the actions set out opposite the person or entity in Column 2 of the Table on or before the date set out in Column 3.

Table outlines actions to be taken during interim evaluation cycle 
1Committee chair and at least one other member of the committeeMeet with the director of education to develop and finalize their performance plan.The date that is 30 days after the person’s first day in the role of the director of education for the board.
2Committee chairProvide a copy of the director of education’s performance plan to every member of the board.The date is 45 days after the person’s first day in the board’s director of education.
3Chair of the board1. Provide written notice to the Minister containing the following information,
i.  the date that the person began their role as director of education for the board, and
ii. confirmation that the director of education’s performance plan has been put in place for the current full evaluation cycle.
2.  Post a copy of the confirmation on the board’s website.
The date that is 45 days after the person’s first day in the role of the director of education for the board.
4Committee chairRequest feedback from every member of the board in respect of the director of education’s progress toward implementing the actions and achieving the goals contained in the performance plan and to discuss other matters relevant to the performance plan.

The date that is 20 days before the date determined for item 6.


5Each member of the boardProvide any feedback requested in item 4 to the chair of the committee.The date that is 10 days before the date determined for item 6.
6Committee chair and at least one other member of the committeeMeet with the director of education to review their progress toward implementing the actions and achieving the goals contained in the performance plan and to discuss other matters relevant to the performance plan.The closest weekday to a date that is midway between the date on which the action in item 3 is taken and final day of the interim evaluation period.
7Director of educationUpdate the performance plan in accordance with subsection 9 (4).

June 10


8Committee chairProvide a copy of the draft performance appraisal report, prepared in accordance with section 10, in respect of the director of education to every member of the board.

June 20


9Each member of the boardProvide any feedback on the draft performance appraisal report to the committee.

June 30


3.3 Actions to be taken after evaluation cycle

During the months of July and August that follow a director of education’s interim or full evaluation cycle, the person or entity set out in Column 1 of the Table to this section shall take the actions set out opposite the person or entity in Column 2 of the Table on or before the date set out in Column 3 below.

The meeting required by item 2 of the Table to this section shall not take place during the seven-day period that commences on the day that the director of education is provided with the draft performance appraisal report under item 1 of the Table.

Tables outlines actions to be taken after evaluation cycle
1Committee chairProvide the draft performance appraisal report for the interim or full evaluation cycle to the director of educationJuly 7
2Committee chair and at least one other member of the committeeMeet with the director of education to:
i.  review the actions implemented by the director of education to achieve the goals contained in the performance plan and discuss other matters relevant to the performance plan,
ii.  review and update the director of education’s performance plan for the following evaluation cycle, if necessary,
iii.  review and discuss the committee’s draft performance appraisal report, and
iv.  provide the director of education an opportunity to respond to the committee’s evaluation, performance rating and explanation for the rating.

July 31


3Committee1.  Finalize the performance appraisal report, taking into consideration, among other things,
i.  the feedback from the members of the board and the director of education
ii.  the feedback set out in the report required by section 8, if applicable, and
iii.  the survey information mentioned in subparagraph 3 ii of subsection 10 (5).
2.  Provide the final performance appraisal report to the board and the director of education.

August 10






Board1.  Provide written confirmation to the Minister that the performance appraisal for the interim or full evaluation cycle, as applicable, has been conducted and that the final performance appraisal report has been adopted by board resolution.
2. If it is a full evaluation cycle in which the steps set out in section 8 are required to be taken, provide to the Minister a list of the community partners and stakeholders identified by the committee under paragraph 7 of subsection 8 (2) from whom feedback was requested.
3. Post a copy of the confirmation and, if applicable, the list of community partners and stakeholders on the board’s website.

August 15


3.4 Bi-annual feedback

(1) In a Director of education’s first full evaluation cycle, and every second full evaluation cycle after that, the board shall ensure that an external consultant that has at least five years of experience conducting multi-source executive performance assessments takes the following steps:

(a) Request feedback from the persons listed in subsection (2) below in respect of the director of education’s performance.

(b)  Prepare a written report summarizing and analyzing the feedback.

(2) The persons mentioned in paragraph 1 above are:

  1. Each member of the board.
  2. Each student trustee of the board.
  3. Each member of every statutory, ad hoc, or other committee of the board.
  4. Each staff member of the board who reports directly to the director of education.
  5. Each parent member of the school council at each school of the board.
  6. A representative nominated by each local employee association representing employees of the board.
  7. A representative sample of community partners and stakeholders, as identified by the committee with input from the director of education.

(3) When determining whether to provide feedback in response to a request made under section 2 (1), the Minister shall consider the director of education’s leadership and progress in respect of,

(a)  achieving the goals set out in the multi-year plan developed in accordance with section 169.2 of the Act that relate to the provincial priorities in education in the area of student achievement set out in Ontario Regulation 224/23 (Provincial Priorities in Education - Student Achievement); and

(b)  maintaining or improving the reputation of and public confidence in the board in relation to advancing the provincial priorities in education in the area of student achievement set out in Ontario Regulation 224/23.

(4) In preparing a report under clause (1) (b), the entity shall remove any words or names that would identify a parent or student, if a request is made to do so by the parent or student.


4. Performance plan

A performance plan required to be developed and finalized.

  1. A list of the actions that the director of education will implement during the evaluation cycle to achieve each of the following goals:

i.  Advance the provincial priorities in education in the area of student achievement set out in Ontario Regulation 224/23 (Provincial Priorities in Education - Student Achievement).

ii.  Manage human, capital, and fiscal resources to achieve the goals identified in the board’s multi-year plan developed under clause 169.1 (1) (f) of the Act.

iii.  Promote a healthy and inclusive workplace with effective systems for staff selection and oversight.

iv.  Create and maintain respectful and collaborative relationships with students, parents, staff, school board communities, community partners and stakeholders, Ministry staff and the Minister.

v.  Demonstrate leadership that maintains or improves the reputation of and public confidence in the board.

vi.  Ensure compliance with applicable laws, Ministry policies and guidelines, and board mandates.

  1. Identification of leadership competencies and practices needed to achieve the goals set out in paragraph 1 and actions that the director of education shall implement during the evaluation cycle to improve at least one of those competencies or practices.
  2. One or more methods of,

i.  determining whether the director of education successfully implemented the actions set out in the performance plan during the evaluation cycle, and

ii.  measuring, qualitatively or quantitatively, the degree to which the actions achieved the goals set out in paragraph 1.

  1. Any additional appraisal elements determined by the committee with input from the director of education and if the additional appraisal elements include additional goals, a list of the actions that the director of education will implement during the evaluation cycle to achieve those goals.

(2) The actions listed under paragraph 1 of subsection (1) shall include professional development activities that the director of education will undertake during the evaluation cycle.

(3) The leadership competencies and practices identified under paragraph 2 of subsection (1) shall be described in accordance with any guideline issued by the Minister under subsection 287.6 (1) of the Act.

(4) A performance plan update required under section 5 or 6 shall include,

(a)  a confirmation of which of the actions listed for the purposes of paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of subsection (1) have been implemented by the director of education during the evaluation cycle;

(b)  a description of how each action that was implemented assisted in achieving the goals set out in paragraphs 1 and 4 of subsection (1), as applicable; and

(c)  for each action that was not implemented by the director of education, a rationale for why the action was not implemented.

(5) The director of education and the chair of the committee shall each sign the performance plan and each of them shall retain a copy for at least six years.


5. Performance appraisals and ratings

(1) The committee shall conduct a performance appraisal of the director of education for the board by,

(a)  in respect of a full evaluation cycle, holding each meeting mentioned in items 1 and 7 of the Table to section 5 and the meeting mentioned in item 2 of the Table to section 7;

(b)  in respect of an interim evaluation cycle, holding each meeting mentioned in items 1 and 6 of the Table to section 6 and the meeting mentioned in item 2 of the Table to section 7; and

(c)  evaluating the director of education’s success in implementing the actions and achieving the goals set out in the performance plan developed for the interim or full evaluation cycle.

(2) Despite subsection (1), the performance of a director of education shall not be evaluated in respect of the following periods:

  1. A period when the director of education is on an extended leave that has been approved by the board.
  2. A period when the director of education is on secondment to a position other than that of director of education.

(3) The performance appraisal shall be conducted in accordance with this Regulation and with such guidelines as the Minister may issue.

(4) Based on the results of the performance appraisal, the committee shall assign one of the following performance ratings to the director of education:

  1. Meets all expectations.
  2. Meets most expectations.
  3. Meets some expectations.
  4. Does not meet expectations.

(5) When determining which performance rating to assign to the director of education for the board, the committee shall consider the following factors:

  1. The extent to which the director of education worked diligently and consistently toward the implementation of the actions identified in the performance plan.
  2. The efforts made by the director of education to engage board staff, community partners and stakeholders, and others in the development of the goals and implementation of the actions identified in the performance plan.
  3. The degree of success the director of education had in achieving the goals set out in the performance plan, as informed by data available to the board including,

i.  the feedback set out in the report required by section 8, if applicable, and

ii.  the information collected by the surveys required by subsection 169.1 (2.1) of the Act in respect of the evaluation cycle, if applicable.

  1. The rationale provided by the director of education for the actions that were not implemented and the goals that were not achieved.


6. Performance Review Process


6.1 Initiating the Performance Review Process

Annually, the Director of Education Performance Review Committee will work with the Director of Education to complete the Director of Education performance review for the upcoming year in accordance with the policy. 


6.2 Dispute Resolution

If the Director of Education and Director of Education Performance Review Committee do not agree on the final evaluation, the following process will be followed. 

A three-member panel composed of the following individuals will be established:

  1. One member of the panel will be selected by the Director of Education in consultation with the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE).
  2. The second member of the panel will be selected by the Chair of the Director of Education Performance Review Committee in consultation with the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPBSA).
  3. The third member of the panel, an external consultant, with expertise in mediation, suitable to both CODE and OPSBA will be selected. 

This panel will consider all information presented by the Director of Education Performance Review Committee, Director of Education and the external consultant and make recommendation(s) to the Board of Trustees for consideration. The external consultant will facilitate this process.


7. Definitions


7.1 Director of Education Position Profile

The Director of Education Position Profile is a document which outlines the role accountabilities, the leadership competencies, and the annual key strategic priorities of the Director of Education as both the Chief Education Officer and the Chief Executive Officer of the 91妻友 Region District School Board. 


7.2 Consultant Summary Report 

A confidential report summarizing the overall performance of the Director of Education based on the Position Profile for the year under review. This summary is reviewed by the Director of Education Performance Review Committee and recommended to the Board for approval. 


7.3 Periodic Reporting

Reports prepared by the Director of Education, outlining progress on accountabilities, leadership competencies and strategic priorities.


7.4 Director of Education Self-Assessment

An annual process, undertaken by the Director of Education to identify: 

  1. their achievement of previously agreed upon deliverables; and
  2. additional high-level, measurable goals and priorities to advance student achievement and well-being in alignment with the Multi-Year Strategic Plan and Mission, Vision and Values.


7.5 Final Evaluation Report

A detailed, confidential report prepared by the external consultant and submitted to the Director of Education Performance Review Committee summarizing the results of the Director of Education Performance Review for review and submission to the Board for approval. 


7.6 Performance Review Questionnaire

A defined format used to collect data from identified respondents on critical elements of the Director’s accountabilities, leadership competencies and the Director’s Performance Plan including, but not limited to, implementation of the Multi-Year Strategic Plan, stakeholder engagement, handling of critical issues unique to the Board.             


7.7 Work Plan

A plan developed by the Director of Education Performance Review Committee in accordance with the policy.


8. Responsibilities


8.1 The Board of Trustees shall:

  1. annually appoint trustee members to the Director of Education Performance Review committee;
  2. delegate responsibility to staff to hire an external consultant with expertise in performing evaluations for Directors of Education to the Director of Education Performance Review Committee in accordance with the policy;
  3. approve the work plan presented by the Director of Education Performance Review Committee;
  4. consider information and recommendations by the Director of Education Performance Appraisal Committee in accordance with the policy; 
  5. consider recommendations from the dispute resolution panel, as required; and
  6. review individual and collective roles of trustees and reflect on shared learning.


8.2 The Chair of the Director of Education Performance Review Committee shall:

  1. designate another trustee to perform all duties related to their role if they are unable to attend any Director of Education Performance Review Committee meeting; and
  2. act as its spokesperson on behalf of the Director of Education Performance Review Committee and provide regular updates to the Board.


8.3 Trustees shall:

  1. be aware of their individual and collective responsibilities as the Board of Trustees related to the performance review of the Director of Education;
  2. participate in  the Performance Review Process when required; 
  3. participate in confidential interview(s) with the external consultant, as required; and 
  4. maintain confidentiality.


8.4 The External Consultant shall:

  1. work with the Director of Education Performance Review Committee to facilitate the evaluation process in accordance with the Director of Education Performance Review policy and procedure; 
  2. provide professional advice to the Director of Education Performance Review Committee, as required;
  3.  support the performance review format ensuring;
    • appropriate timelines for completion to include as part of the review by the Director of Education Performance Review Committee, and 
    • full participation by identified respondents that have been given an opportunity to provide input;
  4. support the development of a self-assessment performance evaluation tool for the Director of Education;
  5. help the Committee to collate all responses and prepare a final evaluation report includes  summarizing the results of the Performance Review Process including but not limited to;
    • what is working well, 
    • areas of improvement and the supporting development plan and 
    • recommended goals, priorities, and actions;
  6. work with the representatives from Council of Ontario Directors of Education and the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association to identify a third member to serve on the dispute resolution panel, when required; and
  7. maintain confidentiality.


8.5 Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the implementation of the Director of Education Performance Review policy and procedure; 
  2. familiarize themselves with their responsibilities and the individual and collective responsibilities of trustees related to the performance review of the Director of Education; 
  3. discuss the evaluation process and develop a performance plan in accordance with the policy with the Director of Education Performance Review Committee;
  4. provide input into the list of respondents who will be asked to complete the performance review questionnaire;
  5. complete the self-assessment performance evaluation tool; 
  6. ensure periodic updates are presented to the Board of Trustees; 
  7. review and provide feedback on the final evaluation report and executive summary; 
  8. work with the Council of Ontario Directors of Education to identify a member to serve on the dispute resolution panel, when required; 
  9. reflect on shared learning and implement goals, priorities, and areas of improvement; and
  10. maintain confidentiality.


8.5 Trustee Services shall:

  1. support the Director of Education Performance Review Committee, as required; and
  2. maintain confidentiality.


4. History

Approved: 2007

Working Document: July 2012, November 2017

Revised: March 2010, April 2013, November 2018, April 2019, June 2024


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