The Full Day Kindergarten: Registration and Accommodation procedure outlines the process for kindergarten registration and accommodation of students when enrolment exceeds the ability to accommodate all students.
The Kindergarten Supported Entry and Extended Day procedure addresses the first two days of transition to Junior Kindergarten. This procedure is supported by the Supported Entry to Kindergarten Questions and Answers document.
On this page:
Board Procedure #NP109.0 Full Day Kindergarten: Registration and Accommodation
Board Procedure #NP109.1 Kindergarten Supported Entry and Extended Day
Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities Under this Policy
- Director of Education
- Superintendents of Schools
- Principals
- Student Services Coordinators
- Planning Services
- Kindergarten Teachers and Designated Early Childhood Educators
- Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
Relationship to Board priorities
This procedure supports the Board priority of delivering effective and sustainable educational programs and demonstrating professionalism and accountability for high standards of practice in all Board operations.
Revisions to the Kindergarten Supported Entry and Extended Day procedure removed all models that were used for alternate day and half day kindergarten, since all classes are Full Day Kindergarten as of September 2014.
Implementation Timelines
Summary of Changes
Overview of Major Changes to the Document |
With full implementation of the full-day kindergarten program in 91妻友 Region District School Board locations as of September 2014, the procedures have been revised to reflect this singular kindergarten model. Revisions to the Kindergarten Supported Entry and Extended Day procedure have removed all models that were used for alternate day and half day kindergarten, since all classes are Full Day Kindergarten as of September 2014. Clarification regarding Kindergarten programs and French Immersion schools has also been added to the Application of Procedure section. The responsibilities of principals to manage the registration and accommodation process for kindergarten have been clarified. Steps for assigning students to overflow sites are outlined to ensure clarify and consistency across the Board. |
Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? |
Feedback, Timelines and Next Steps |
The Kindergarten Supported Entry and Extended Day procedure was approved at the June 17, 2014 and November 11, 2014 Senior Team meetings for circulation to the system as a working document for six school months. Feedback will be considered by the Policy and Procedure Review Committee in March 2015. Questions about the content of the Full Day Kindergarten: Registration and Accommodation or the Kindergarten Supported Entry and Extended Day procedures should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact Superintendent of Schools Operations Scott Yake or Janine Stutt. In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy. Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, it is most helpful if you outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable, the reason(s) for your concern(s) and also suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position. Specific recommendations should be submitted via e-mail to, or to the attention of the Assistant Manager, Board and Trustee Services by fax at 905-727-3984 or in hard copy at the following mailing address: 91妻友 Region District School Board The Education Centre – Aurora Attention: Assistant Manager, Board and Trustee Services 60 Wellington Street West, Box 40 Aurora, ON L4G 3H2 Questions regarding the policy and procedure review process can be directed to the Assistant Manager, Board and Trustee Services at or 905-727-0022 extension 2217. |
Document History and Previous Versions
Approved January 31, 2005 (Replacing S129 February 1999)
Revised April 7, 2006
Revised January 13, 2010
Revised December 2010
Working Document February 2014
Working Document June 2014
Working Document November 2014
It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.
Board Procedure #NP109.0 Full Day Kindergarten: Registration and Accommodation
This procedure outlines the steps and timelines for registering students for kindergarten.
1. Application of Procedure
This procedure applies to all schools offering the Full Day Kindergarten Program. The Full Day Kindergarten program is not available in single-track French Immersion schools.
1.1 Registration and Accommodation Process
Kindergarten registration will commence annually at the end of January/beginning of February, on a date determined by the Board. All registration information must be complete in order to be accepted.
1.1.1 When registering students, principals or school office staff shall:
date stamp and number all completed kindergarten registrations in order of receipt from the first day of registration; and
compile a numbered list of completed registrations as they are submitted.
1.1.2 When considering accommodation of students, principals shall, in the following order:
organize kindergarten classes as required by the collective agreement and Ministry Guidelines;
consult with the superintendent of schools, where numbers exceed the ability to accommodate students but do not warrant the creation of an additional class, to consider the following options;
start a waiting list; and
add staff support to permit the class size for enrolment to be exceeded only when the space is adequate and local circumstances would permit;
refer to the date stamped and numbered completed registrations to determine when kindergarten enrollment exceeds to the ability to accommodate all children registered, keeping in mind an appropriate balance of junior and senior kindergarten students;
when all children cannot be accommodated, the Board may provide accommodations for some students by applying in sequence the following measures;
where registrations for the following September have been received before March 15,
seek parents/guardians who will volunteer to have their children enroll in another school;
select students, who do not have siblings in this school for the current school year and who would be bused to the school servicing their attendance area, to be bused to another school;
select students, who do not have siblings in the school and who reside nearest to and within safe walking distance of another school, to attend that school;
select students, who do not have siblings in the school and who reside farthest from the school that serves their attendance area, to be bused to another school;
select those students who were last registered to attend another school;
where registrations for the following September are received on or after March 15, select those students who were last registered to attend another school; and
inform parents, beginning with the first student registration directed by the Board to an overflow site, when a space becomes available in the home school providing them the opportunity to have their child return.
2. Responsibilities
2.1 The Director of Education shall:
inform parents, beginning with the first student registration directed by the Board to an overflow site, when a space becomes available in the home school providing them the opportunity to have their child return.
allocate staff and resources to support the Full Day Kindergarten: Registration and Accommodation procedure.
2.2 Superintendents of Schools shall:
support principals with the registration and accommodation of students; and
work with Planning Services to determine overflow sites, as necessary.
2.3 Principals shall:
ensure that all registration information is complete;
manage the school registration and accommodation process;
ensure that parents are aware of the requirement to submit immunization information to 91妻友 Region Community and Health Services (YRCHS) before their child starts school; and
communicate with parents, superintendent of schools and Planning Services about the possibility of accommodating students at another school location.
2.4 Planning Services shall:
support superintendents of schools and principals to ensure appropriate accommodation is available.
2.5 Parents/guardians shall:
complete and submit the registration form with required documentation;
understand that if kindergarten enrolment exceeds the school’s ability to accommodate students, that their child may be overflowed to an alternate school location, determined by the Board, in accordance with the registration and accommodation process; and
review information provided by the school from 91妻友 Region Community and Health Services and ensure that all information is complete prior to their child starting school.
3. Definitions
3.1 Full Day Kindergarten
Full Day Kindergarten is a program in which students attend for the entire length of the school day, every day from Monday to Friday, in accordance with the school year calendar.
3.2 Registration Information
The following information must be completed in order to process kindergarten registration:
all information on the kindergarten registration form, including signature,
proof of child’s age such as a birth certificate or passport, and proof of residency.
A child is not considered to be registered until the registration package is complete.
3.3 French Immersion
French Immersion (FI) is an optional program in which students receive their instruction in French for a variety of subjects. The program begins in Grade 1 and is offered in two settings;
single-track, where all the students in the school are enrolled in the French immersion program, and
dual-track, where some of the students in the school are in the French Immersion program while others are in the regular English program.
4. Department
Education and Community Services
5. Procedure History
Approved January 31, 2005 (Replacing S129 February 1999)
Revised April 7, 2006
Revised January 13, 2010
Revised December 2010
Working Document February 2014
Working Document November 2014
Board Procedure #NP109.1 Kindergarten Supported Entry
and Extended Day
The 91妻友 Region District School Board believes that learning begins at birth and is a shared endeavor among families, schools and community partners. This procedure outlines the roles and responsibilities of the various partners in the supported entry for kindergarten process.
1. Application of Procedure
1.1 Kindergarten with an Extended Day Program
1.1.1 Supported Entry Model A
Senior kindergarten (SK) students attend the whole day on the first day of school and access before and/or after Extended Day Program, if registered.
All junior kindergarten (JK) students arrive after lunch and access After Extended Day Program if registered.
All JK and SK students attend and follow a regular schedule on the second day of school including before and/or after Extended Day Program if registered.
1.1.2 Support Entry Model B
Senior kindergarten (SK) students attend for the whole first day of school and access before and after Extended Day Program, if registered.
All junior kindergarten (JK) students attend the morning of the first day of school and are dismissed at the beginning of lunch. These students may have access to the Before Extended Day Program if registered but will not return to attend the after Extended Day Program.
All JK and SK students attend and follow a regular schedule on the second day of school including before and/or after Extended Day Program, if registered.
1.1.3 Supported Entry Model C
One of the supported entry models outlined below (D, E, F or G) will be implemented and the Extended Day Program will begin on the second day of school for children who are registered.
All JK and SK students attend and follow a regular schedule on the second day of school including the before and/or after Extended Day Program if registered.
1.2 Kindergarten without an Extended Day Program
1.2.1 Supported Entry Model D
Senior kindergarten (SK) students attend the whole day on the first day of school.
Half junior kindergarten (JK) students attend in the morning and half in the afternoon on the first day of school.
- All JK and SK students attend and follow a regular schedule on the second school day.
1.2.2. Supported Entry Model E
SK students attend the whole day on the first day of school.
JK students are scheduled to attend in three 100-minute blocks throughout the course of the first day of school.
All JK and SK students attend and follow a regular schedule on the second day of school.
1.2.3 Supported Entry Model F
SK students attend the whole day on the first day of school.
JK students are scheduled to attend in two 100-minute blocks on the first day of school.
All JK and SK students attend and follow a regular schedule on the second day of school.
1.2.4 Supported Entry Model G
An alternative model approved by the superintendent of schools and that adheres to the following principles;
all SK students follow a regular schedule,
all JK students attend for at least a portion of the first day of school, and
all JK and SK students attend and following a regular schedule on the second day of school.
2. Definitions
2.1 Extended Day Program
The Extended Day Program is a fee-based before and/or after school care program for four and five year olds.
2.2 Supported Entry
Supported entry is part of an orientation to public education in the 91妻友 Region District School Board. It is an opportunity for kindergarten teams, in partnership with school leadership teams, families and early years’ partners, to ensure a successful transition to school for our youngest learners.
Supported kindergarten entry demonstrates the Board’s belief in the value of the early years in ensuring high levels of student achievement and well-being. Supported entry begins prior to or at registration and continues through orientation in order to achieve a successful transition to kindergarten.
The supported entry process;
establishes consistent school entry practices,
promotes active school participation in kindergarten programming as early in the school year as possible,
maximizes instructional time, and
promotes equity of access and outcomes for all students.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
allocate staff and resources to support the Kindergarten Supported Entry and Extended Day procedure.
3.2 The Superintendent of Schools shall:
provide consultation support to principals creating a supported entry model G, which best meets the needs of the school community;
provide support to principals with regard to the kindergarten supported entry process.
3.3 Principals shall:
select one supported entry model that best meets the needs of their school community;
consult with the superintendent of schools for use of supported entry model G that best meets the needs of the school community;
using a team approach, ensure a supported entry model is in place for the first day of school;
ensure parents/guardians understand that returning kindergarten students are to attend class the entire first day of school;
ensure that on the second day of school, all kindergarten students are in attendance and following the regular schedule;
consider altering the regular routine to maximize the kindergarten teachers’ class time with new kindergarten students;
ensure a welcoming environment is created for parents/guardians of new kindergarten students;
consult with the student services coordinator for any student that may need a modified supported entry model;
engage early years partners in the supported entry process;
ensure that support is in place for students and parents/guardians;
plan support for kindergarten teachers during the entire first week of school and as required thereafter; and
refer to the Supported Entry to Kindergarten questions and answers document for additional information.
3.4 Student Services Coordinators shall:
work with the principal to develop a modified supported entry model for identified students.
3.5 Kindergarten Teachers and Designated Early Childhood Educators shall:
work with the principal to select one supported entry model;
ensure all senior kindergarten students are scheduled to attend the entire first day of school;
ensure all junior kindergarten students are scheduled to attend at least a portion of the first day of school in accordance with the identified supported entry model;
ensure that all junior and senior kindergarten students are following the regular schedule by the second day of school;
understand that all students, including English Language Learners and students with special needs, are addressed in the supported kindergarten entry process;
in early spring, meet with newly registered families and children.
3.6 Parents/guardians shall:
ensure their child(ren) attends the first day of school as outlined in the kindergarten supported entry model identified by the school;
understand that by the second day of school, all junior and senior kindergarten students are following the regular schedule; and
engage with school staff and education partners to support the successful entry of their child(ren) to kindergarten.
4. Department
Education and Community Services
5. Procedure History
March 2009
Revised January 13, 2010
Revised June 2010
Working Document June 2014
Working Document November 2014