This procedure outlines the steps to be followed for the screening and identification of gifted students in the 91妻友 Region District School Board.
On this page:
What has changed?
Major Changes to the Document |
Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? |
Implementation Timelines |
Immediate |
Lead Superintendents/Subject Matter Expert |
Superintendent, Student Services Susan Logue Chief of Psychological Services, Marian Boer |
Who has responsibilities?
- Director of Education
- Principals
- Student Services Coordinators
- Coordinators of Psychological Services
- Psychological Services
- Teachers Parents/guardians
- Special Education Resource Teachers
- Student Services Administrative Support Staff
How is this policy and/or procedure related to Board priorities?
This procedure supports the delivery of effective, innovative and sustainable education programs by providing differentiated and relevant learning opportunities, resources and programs to students.
What are the timelines and next steps?
That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Working Document Procedure #NP358.0, Special Education – Screening and Identification of Gifted Students be circulated to the system for comment for six school months.
If approved, this procedure will be adopted by the system as a working document for six school months. Comments received will be scheduled for consideration at the appropriate committee meetings in November 2015.
How do I find out more or provide feedback?
Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert.
In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.
Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting feedback via email to In your response please;
outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
identify the reason(s) for your concern(s), and
suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position.
Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the on-line form or sent to the Assistant Manager, Board and Trustee Services via email at, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2217 or in hard copy at The Education Centre - Aurora.
It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.
Board Procedure #NP358.0
Special Education- Screening and Identification of Gifted Students
This procedure outlines the steps to be followed for the screening and identification of gifted students in the 91妻友 Region District School Board.
1. Definitions
1.1. Grade 3 Screening and Identification
The gifted screening and identification process consists of three stages:
Stage I: Administration of the Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test (CCAT) to all Grade 3 students.
Stage II: Individual psychological assessment using an intellectual screening test for students who meet the criterion score on the CCAT.
Stage III: Presentation to the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) for identification and placement, when appropriate.
1.2 Post Grade 3 Screening and Identification
Post Grade 3 screening and identification is the process used to screen and assess students for eligibility for identification as gifted, who are referred by the In-School Team, after the Board wide screening of all Grade 3 students has been completed.
Students who are referred for screening in this manner may include:
those who enrolled in the Board after the Grade 3 screening and identification process was completed;
English Language Learner (ELL) students who were not identified as Gifted in Grade 3 and whose subsequent proficiency in English and performance in school warrants further consideration for identification; or
any student whose performance in school indicates assessment for the purpose of Gifted identification should be considered.
Post Grade 3 screening and identification is particularly important for students who demonstrate a specific area of advanced capability or skills, or very strong thinking and reasoning skills, but who have not demonstrated consistently strong academic skills.
The post Grade 3 gifted screening and identification procedure usually consists of three different stages of review:
Stage I: Individual screening using the CCAT, if applicable (this may be omitted based on the recommendations of the members of the In-School Team).
Stage II: Individual psychological assessment where an intellectual screening test is used.
Stage III: Presentation to the IPRC for identification and placement (when appropriate and recommended by the In-School Team).
1.3 In-School Team
An In-School Team meets to discuss, problem solve and recommend strategies to support a student’s academic, behavioural, social and/or emotional areas of strengths and needs. The team may include, but is not limited to, school staff members, Student Services staff, students and/or parents/guardians, as appropriate. Ongoing intervention and progress are also monitored through the In-School Team process.
2. Responsibilities
2.1 The Director of Education shall:
allocate staff and resources to support the Screening and Identification of Gifted Students procedure.
2.2 Principals shall:
send a letter to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of each Grade 3 pupil which outlines the screening and identification procedure;
when applicable, forward a letter along with the Consent for Intellectual Screening Form to parent(s)/guardian(s) which indicates that his/her child will be included in Stage II screening;
send a cover letter along with the completed gifted screening reports to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of those students who participated in Stage II screening;
share the schedule of information sessions with parent(s)/guardian(s) of students who qualify for identification as Gifted;
send a letter of invitation to the IPRC of the parent(s)/guardian(s) of those students who are being considered for identification by an IPRC;
complete a Transition Planning Checklist for Students Proceeding to an Identification of Gifted; and
ensure transition planning documents for students have been completed to support transition and program planning for each student who will be considered as Gifted at an IPRC.
2.3 Student Services Coordinators shall:
arrange the delivery of the CCAT answer sheets and class record sheets to each school;
develop a timeline for Stages I and II in consultation with Psychological Services staff; and
coordinate and make arrangements for information sessions regarding the Gifted programming options for the parent(s)/guardian(s) of Grade 3 students who are eligible for identification in each Community Education Centre.
2.4 The Coordinators of Psychological Services in each Community Education Centre shall:
request information about student enrollment and the number of Grade 3 classes in each Community Education Centre (CEC);
work with Student Services Coordinators to determine the timelines for the process, update Board documents with the timelines on an annual basis, and make recommendations regarding criterion for identification at each stage;
review student results and identify candidates for Stage II screening;
prepare a list of students recommended for Stage II screening, the Consent for Intellectual Screening forms and explanatory cover letter for principals to deliver to parent(s)/guardian(s);
forward to principals the names of students for whom it is recommended proceed to the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC); and
review assessment reports prepared by community-based professionals, as requested by parent(s)/guardian(s), to determine a student’s eligibility for presentation to an IPRC for identification as Gifted.
2.5 Psychological Services staff shall:
establish assessment dates with individual principals in schools that are in keeping with the annual timelines for the Gifted Screening and Identification process;
assess students who qualify for an individual screening, and write a report to be forwarded to the principal for inclusion in the Ontario Student Record; and
occasionally be involved in sharing assessment information with the parent(s)/guardian(s), as requested.
2.6 Teachers shall:
administer the CCAT and ensure all CCAT materials are returned to the local Community Education Centre; and
distribute and collect signed Consent for Intellectual Screening forms from students nominated for Stage II screening.
2.7 Student Services Administrative Support Staff in the Community Education Centre shall:
send CCAT test materials to each school in the Community Education Centre;
receive and review CCAT materials sent back from each school;
communicate with each school as to which students have qualified for individual screening by Psychological Services staff, and send out the Consent for Intellectual Screening form to be completed by parents/guardians; and
assist with the preparation of Psychological Services files and reports for students who will be assessed.
2.8 Parent(s)/guardian(s) shall:
understand that they can decline to have their child participate in the Grade 3 screening and identification process;
sign and return the Consent for Intellectual Screening form to the principal, if they choose to proceed with an individual psychological assessment for the purpose of gifted screening and identification;
understand that they can refuse to sign the consent form for the assessment and/or withdraw their consent at any time during the process;
receive a copy of the intellectual screening assessment report;
be aware that an independent psychological assessment report may be submitted at any time, provided that the requirements for this have been met, as outlined on the Board's website,
sign and return the Referral for Professional Student Support Services form when an independent psychological assessment report is submitted, so that Coordinator of Psychological Services in the Community Education Centre can review and provide consultation regarding the independent psychological assessment;
understand that Psychological Services reports and third party psychological reports must be kept in the Ontario Student Record (OSR) for use by authorized personnel, and can only be removed by the principal, consistent with the Ministry of Education’s OSR Guidelines;
recognize that removal of Psychological Services reports and third party reports may be requested in writing by the parent(s)/guardian(s) or adult student; and
recognize that when the removal of a psychological report has been requested and the report has been given to the parent/guardian/adult student, or destroyed as outlined in the Ministry of Education’s OSR Guidelines, it may not be re-issued to the school by Psychological Services staff except with consent of a parent/guardian or adult student.
Post Grade 3 Screening and Identification
2.9 Principals shall:
ensure that student information has been reviewed by the In-School Team in order to determine whether or not to proceed with the Gifted screening and identification process;
ensure that there is adequate information to support an individual assessment before referring a student to a Psychological Services staff member for intellectual screening, and possible identification as intellectually gifted; and
if the In-School Team recommends proceeding with the screening and identification procedure, inform parent(s)/guardian(s) of the process for post Grade 3 screening and identification and ensure that the appropriate consent forms have been signed.
2.10 Special Education Resource Teachers shall:
conduct the screening procedure in collaboration with the classroom teacher(s), when appropriate.
3. Department
Student Services
4. Procedure History
Approved 1997
Revised April 2009
Working Document March 2015