Procedure #NP403.0, Bus and Driveway Safety outlines the 91妻友 Region District School Boards commitment to ensuring the safety of students and staff by outlining the responsibilities of staff during bus or driveway supervision duty to minimize and/or eliminate the risk of accidents or injuries.
On this page:
Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities under this Policy
- Director of Education
- Superintendents of Schools
- Planning Services
- Plant Services
- Principals
- School Staff
- School bus, school vehicle, and private vehicle drivers
Relationship to Board Priorities
The Bus and Driveway Safety procedure contributes to providing a safe school and working environment for students and school staff.
Implementation Timelines
Document History and Previous Versions
Working Document November 6, 2012
Approved June 2013
It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.
Procedure #NP403.0 Bus and Driveway Safety
Document Integration Project Format
The 91妻友 Region District School Board is committed to ensuring the safety of students and staff. This procedure outlines the responsibilities of staff during bus or driveway supervision duty to minimize and/or eliminate the risk of accidents or injuries.
With regards to staff and student safety during morning and afternoon drop-off and pick-up, school staff must stay on school property. Only crossing guards and police should be directing pedestrian and vehicular traffic on municipal roads.
1. Definitions
1.1 School Bus Danger Zone
The school bus danger zone is a 3.06 metre (10 ft) wide area on the front and sides and 3.66 metre (12 ft) wide area at the back of a school bus. This is the area that most people are in danger of being hit. Any person who enters the school bus danger zone should obtain permission from the driver before proceeding.
2. Legislative Context
Occupational Health and Safety Act
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
allocate staff and resources to support the Bus and Driveway Safety procedure.
3.2 The Superintendent of Schools shall:
ensure that each school has developed a School Specific Site Plan; and
work with principals to ensure that they have the necessary supports in managing on-site traffic.
3.3 Student Transportation Services shall:
ensure that school bus and school vehicle drivers who are transporting students with specialized equipment are aware of their responsibilities in this procedure.
3.4 Planning Services shall:
assist schools in implementing active and safe routes to school programs.
3.5 Plant Services shall:
work with the principal to ensure appropriate signage is provided;
maintain painted markings on driveways and in parking lots; and
ensure that caretakers monitor the condition of such marking on a regular basis.
3.6 The Principal shall:
manage on-site traffic by;
determining whether to limit private vehicle access to the school parking lot, driveway, and/or bus loop during specified times taking in to account local municipal considerations,
developing a School Specific Site Plan with input from staff, students and school council members where possible on an annual basis,
working with Plant Services to ensure appropriate signage is used and painted markings are visible,
working with Plant Services to identify and determine where caution signs and/or pylons can and should be placed, and
arranging for appropriate supervision for student safety;
contact Planning Services for support in the implementation of active and safe routes to school programs;
establish a method of communication for staff on duty to summon assistance if required, such as, but not limited to, radio communication devices;
purchase and provide staff on duty with safety vests and a lightweight STOP paddle;
communicate expectations outlined in the School Specific Site Plan, to staff prior to the assignment of duties including, but not limited to;
the location of staff, duties and equipment needed,
how to summon immediate assistance in an emergency, and
any additional information and instruction for staff with specialized assignments, such as, but not limited to, assisting students with special needs on to or from school vehicles;
send clear written directions to parents/guardians regarding school drop-off and pick-up expectations, including, but not limited to, ensuring that they are aware that they are responsible for loading and unloading students from their vehicle on the curb side and repeating such communication as necessary;
follow-up on concerns or infractions reported by staff, students or parents;
contact external partners, such as, but not limited to, Municipalities, By-Law Enforcement Officers or the police, as needed; and
request assistance from the Municipality for students to cross roadways or to direct parent/guardian traffic off school property, as needed.
3.7 School staff with bus or driveway supervision duty shall:
supervise students while they get on or off buses, other school vehicles and private vehicles in designated areas on Board property;
never open doors of private vehicles as part of a drop-off routine;
remain on the curb on school property;
avoid the School Bus Danger Zone;
never attempt to retrieve items that are dropped near or under a vehicle or school bus without first obtaining the driver’s permission;
never step out in front of moving vehicles;
assist with student crossings on Board property during the time when students are arriving or departing school;
when assisting with crossing or allowing entry to a bus or vehicle, ensure that the following are in place;
place caution signs/pylons at designated points at the appropriate time, as determined by principal,
position yourself on the curb on school property,
wait for a gap in the traffic,
establish eye contact with the driver(s),
make sure that all vehicles are stopped before proceeding,
walk to the centre,
allow children to walk across,
wait until the last student of the released group reaches the opposite curb, and
walk to the curb, and remain on the curb for the next group of students to assemble;
wear appropriate clothing at all times when on duty, such as, but not limited to, coats, rainwear and footwear for the season and weather conditions and reflective vests so that motorists and students can recognize staff and respond to signals;
use a lightweight STOP paddle with a handle attached to alert motorists when assisting with crossings;
refrain from engaging with drivers or person if situations become confrontational; and
report concerns and infractions to the school principal, including specific details where possible.
3.8 School bus and school vehicle drivers shall:
load and unload students with specialized equipment (e.g., wheelchairs) from their vehicle; and
operate any lift/equipment.
4. Department
Human Resource Services
5. Procedure History
Working Document November 6, 2012
Approved June 2013