The Arts Projects procedure standardizes the approval process for any art project or art installation including the acquisition of appropriate materials, installation techniques, sustainability, maintenance and replacement and recovery of pre-existing facility conditions if maintenance or removal is required. It also ensures understanding of and compliance with building codes, fire and life safety requirements, and health and safety regulations.
On this page:
Reason for Review |
This is a new procedure. |
Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? |
This procedure specifies the process for arts projects installation. The Arts Education policy outlines the process by which the appropriateness of the arts project will be determined. All individuals involved with the planning and installation of an art project in Board-owned facilities are responsible for being aware of and adhering to the Arts Projects procedure. |
Implementation Timelines |
Immediate |
Lead Superintendents/Subject Matter Expert |
Coordinating Superintendent Scott Yake Senior Manager, Plant Services Jerry Stoangi |
Who has responsibilities?
- Director of Education
- Associate Directors, Coordinating Superintendents, Superintendents
- Principals and/or Site Managers
- Staff members responsible for the art project
- Assistant Manager, Maintenance
- Plant Services
- Purchasing Services
- Health and Safety
- Board-approved contractors working on art projects
How is this policy and/or procedure related to Board priorities?
This procedure ensures the effective stewardship of Board resources by demonstrating professionalism and accountability for high standards of practices in all Board operations and modeling continuous environmental sustainability.
What are the timelines and next steps?
That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Working Document Procedure #NP414.0, Arts Projects be circulated to the system for comment for six school months.
This policy and procedure will be adopted as a working document for six school months. Comments received during this time will be scheduled for consideration at the appropriate committee meetings.
How do I find out more or provide feedback?
Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert.
In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.
Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the on-line form. In your response please;
outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
identify the reason(s) for your concern(s), and
suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position.
Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the on-line form or sent to the Assistant Manager, Board and Trustee Services via email at, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2217 or in hard copy at The Education Centre - Aurora.
It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.
Procedure #NP414.0, Arts Projects
This procedure standardizes the approval process for any art project or art installation.
1. Application
This procedure outlines the acquisition of appropriate materials to use, installation techniques, sustainability, maintenance and replacement and recovery of pre-existing facility conditions if maintenance or removal is required. It also ensures understanding of and compliance with building codes, fire and life safety requirements, and health and safety regulations
This procedure does not provide guidelines with regard to the appropriateness of the art projects. Refer to Policy #301.0 Arts Education for further information on this topic.
Art projects or installations planned for school grounds (exterior) are to be coordinated through the requirements of Procedure #NP460.0, School Grounds Enhancement Projects.
2. Definitions
2.1 Art Project
An artistic creation, such as, but not limited to, a mural, three-dimensional artwork or wall hanging intended to be painted, hung or affixed to any surface, such as, but not limited to, walls, doors, floors, windows and ceilings.
These projects are intended to improve the aesthetics of the facility and are not related to facility structure or maintenance.
2.2 Mural
Any piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall or other large permanent surface.
2.3 Three-dimensional artwork or wall hanging
Any piece of artwork having or appearing to have length, breadth and depth.
2.4 Contractor
A Board-approved artist, person, business or corporation that provides goods or services under terms specified in an agreement or contract.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
allocate staff and resources to support the Art Projects procedure.
3.2 Associate Directors, Coordinating Superintendents and Superintendents shall:
support the implementation of the Art Projects procedure.
3.3 Principals and Site Managers shall:
comply with all appropriate legislation, Board policies, procedures and supporting documents, including, but not limited to the Art Projects procedure, the Art Projects and Fire Prevention in all Board Buildings in all Board Buildings Question and Answer documents, the facility’s Fire Plan;
submit the completed New Art Project Installation Request Form to the appropriate Assistant Manager, Maintenance for all art projects;
in conjunction with the Assistant Manager, Maintenance, provide the resources and direction necessary to support, maintain and ensure compliance with the Art Projects procedure;
consult with the Assistant Manager, Maintenance for the installation, sustainability, maintenance, removal and replacement impact of all art projects;
purchase Board-approved materials for all art projects through Purchasing Services;
based on the scope of the project and in consultation with the Assistant Manager, Maintenance, determine whether support for installation, maintenance and/or removal is to be conducted by caretakers, Board-approved contractors or maintenance staff;
arrange to have only Board-approved contractors and/or Board’s Maintenance Centre staff conduct art project maintenance and/or restoration;
be responsible for all costs associated with the development, installation, maintenance and removal of art projects and/or the recovery of pre-existing facility conditions if an art project is removed;
ensure authorized staff members, volunteers and students comply with the Working at Heights Procedure when working on or with art projects;
respond to violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Building Code and Fire Code and any alterations to life safety systems as a result of the art project;
communicate plans for art projects with all appropriate members of the Caretaking Team to ensure school or workplace operations will not be interrupted during any phase of the art project;
notify the Assistant Manager, Maintenance of any deviations from the original approved request form; and
once installed, maintain art projects and report damages and or deterioration to the Assistant Manager, Maintenance immediately.
3.4 The school/site staff member responsible for leading the art project shall:
comply with all appropriate legislation, curriculum resources, Board policies, procedures and supporting documents, including, but not limited to the Art Projects procedure, the Art Projects and Fire Prevention in all Board Buildings Question and Answer documents, the facility’s Fire Plan;
consult with and obtain approval from the principal or site manager prior to undertaking an art project;
ensure required approvals are obtained prior to beginning the art project installation;
comply with the Working at Heights procedure when working on art projects;
notify the principal or site manager of any deviations from the original request; and
at no point interfere with the facility’s life safety systems, including but not limited to electrical outlets, fire cabinets and panels, exit lighting, ceiling tiles, doors, and fire extinguishers.
3.5 The Assistant Managers of Maintenance shall:
comply with all appropriate legislation, Board policies, procedures and supporting documents, including, but not limited to the Art Projects procedure, the Art Projects and Fire Prevention in all Board Buildings Question and Answer documents, the facility’s Fire Plan;
develop, maintain and adhere to design and installation guidelines for all art projects;
not be responsible for determining the appropriateness of content;
respond to new art project installation requests in a timely manner;
hire Board-approved contractors and/or request the Board’s Maintenance Centre to conduct any art project maintenance and restoration;
support the art project through the school principal or site manager;
ensure all affected persons are notified of any service or program interruptions due to art project development and/or installation; and
report violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Building Code and Fire Code and any alterations to life safety systems as a result of the art project to the principal, Plant Services Manager Maintenance and Health and Safety Manager, Human Resource Services.
3.6 Plant Services shall:
work with Health and Safety to update the Art Projects procedure and supporting documents, as required.
3.7 Purchasing Services shall:
ensure all Board-approved contractors have been notified and are bound by the terms of the Art Projects procedure; and
assist schools or sites with the purchase and acquisition of art materials from Board-approved art suppliers.
3.8 Health and Safety shall:
in consultation with stakeholders, establish standards for materials and supplies to be used for art installations; and
assist in the implementation of Art Projects procedure.
3.9 Board-approved contractors hired to work on art projects shall:
ensure all employees and sub-contractors are trained and comply with all Board policies and procedures, legislation and any related supporting documentation; and
ensure all affected persons are notified of any service interruptions due to installation, maintenance, removal or restoration work.
4. Legislative Context
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Ontario Building Code
Ontario Fire Code
5. Department
Curriculum and Instructional Services
Health and Safety
Plant Services
Purchasing Services
6. Procedure History
Working Document August 17, 2016