Procedure NP419.0, Elevating Devices (Lifts and Elevators)


The Elevating Devices (Lifts and Elevators) procedure outlines the roles and responsibilities of all Board employees, external contractors, and public who operate, service, and/or maintain Board owned elevating devices.

On this page:


Application of Procedure

Any individuals who are required to operate elevating devices as part of their regular assigned duties must know and abide by the Elevating Devices (Lifts and Elevators) procedure and any supporting documents to ensure the equipment is used in a safe and responsible manner. Each individual must ensure that when using an elevating device for transporting materials such as, but not limited to, equipment or furniture (when permitted), it must be done so in accordance the appropriate guidelines.


Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities Under this Policy

  • All Superintendents
  • Plant Services
  • Purchasing Services
  • Assistant Manager(s) of Maintenance Services and Shops
  • Caretaking Services
  • Principals, Vice-Principals and Managers
  • Health& Safety – Human Resource Services
  • Board-approved Elevating Device Contractors
  • Board’s Security Monitoring Company
  • All Users


Relationship to the 2012 Board priorities

The Elevating Devices procedure supports the stewardship of Board Resources section of the Trustees’ Multi-Year Plan by demonstrating professionalism and accountability for high standards of practice in all Board operations. It further supports the goals in the Director’s Annual Plan by implementing measure to improve safety in schools and workplaces.

The Plant Services mission statement reinforces this commitment by showing dedication to delivering the highest quality of service to 91妻友 Region students, staff and communities through the provision of safe, sustainable learning environments and facilities. Plant Services has dedicated and efficient staff that are committed to proactive, responsive, consultative service by striving for continuous improvement; acting in an environmentally responsible manner; ensuring legislative compliance; applying the best uses of technology; providing timely responses; and taking initiative and adapting to change.


Implementation Timelines



Document History and Previous Versions

Approved March 2012


It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.


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Board Procedure #NP419.0

Elevating Devices (Lifts and Elevators)

Document Integration Project Format

The purpose of the Elevating Devices (Lifts and Elevators) procedure is to outline the roles and responsibilities of all Board employees, external contractors, and members of the public who operate, service, and/or maintain Board-owned elevating devices.


1. Application of Procedure

Any individuals who are required to operate elevating devices as part of their regular assigned duties must know and abide by this procedure and any supporting documents to ensure the equipment is used in a safe and responsible manner. It is also the responsibility of each individual to ensure that when using an elevating device for transporting materials such as, but not limited to, equipment or furniture (when permitted), it must be done so in accordance the appropriate guidelines.


2. Definitions


2.1 Competent Person

A competent person is an individual who: (a) is qualified because of knowledge, training and experience to organize work and its performance; (b) is familiar with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and the regulations that apply to the work; and (c) has knowledge of any potential or actual danger to health or safety in the workplace.


2.2 Elevating Device

An elevating device is a non-portable device used for hoisting, lowering or moving people or freight.


2.3 Elevator

An elevator is a hoisting and lowering mechanism, equipped with a car that moves within guides, serves two or more landings, and is classified as either a “Passenger” or “Freight” elevating device.


2.3.1  Freight Elevator

A freight elevator is used primarily for carrying freight and on which only the operator and the people necessary for unloading and loading the freight are also permitted to ride.


2.3.2 Passenger Elevator

A passenger elevator is used primarily to carry persons other than the operator and people necessary for loading and unloading.


2.4 Hoistway Access Keys

Hoistway access keys allow access to an opening through a building or structure for the travel of elevators, dumbwaiters or material lifts, extending from the pit floor to the roof or floor above.


2.5 Lifts for Individuals with Physical Disabilities

An elevating device that travels between fixed points of a building or structure, that is restricted as to access, speed, travel and type of operating devices and that is specifically designed to be used by an individual with a physical disability.

This includes all classes of lifts, including but not limited to the following:


2.5.1 Vertical Platform Lifts

A vertical platform lift is equipped with a platform that moves vertically and may be one of the two (2) following types:

  • Enclosed Vertical Platform Lifts – a vertical platform lift that has a fully enclosed runway; and

  • Unenclosed Vertical Platform Lifts – a vertical platform lift having a partially enclosed or unenclosed runway.


2.5.2 Stage Platform Lift

A stage platform lift is used for lifting or lowering persons on, off or about a stage.


2.5.3 Stair Chair Lift

A stair chair lift is equipped with a passenger-carrying unit in the form of one (1) or two (2) attached chairs that moves substantially in the direction of a flight of stairs or ramp at a mean angle of not more than 45 degrees which is used for persons with physical disabilities.


2.5.4 Stair Platform Lifts

A stair platform lift is equipped with a platform that moves substantially in the direction of a flight of stairs or ramp at a mean angle of not more than 45 degrees which is used for persons with physical disabilities, and may be one of the following two (2) types:

  • Enclosed Stair Platform Lifts - a lift where the runway is guarded so as to prevent access to it; and

  • Unenclosed Stair Platform Lifts - a lift having a partially enclosed or unenclosed runway.


2.6 Maximum Capacity

The maximum capacity of weight or other measure of capacity that an elevating device is designed and constructed so as to carry safely and as set out in a licence.


2.7 Elevating Device Service Technician

A Elevating Devices Service Technician is a licensed elevating device mechanic who has full knowledge of the Technical Safety Standards Association (TSSA) Act and any regulation, including the code adoption document, respecting the elevating device upon which he or she is assigned to work, and, who is the holder of a certificate as a mechanic under Ontario Regulation 222/01 – Elevating Device Mechanics.


2.8 Platform

A flat and substantially horizontal structure that is part of the carriage and that supports a user or users.


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Elevating Devices procedure.


3.2 All Superintendents shall:

  1. provide the resources and direction necessary to support, maintain and ensure that the Elevating Devices (Lifts and Elevators) procedure is in place and strictly adhered to by those responsible.


3.3 Plant Services and Purchasing Services shall:

  1. ensure all Board-approved elevating device service contractors have been notified and are bound by the terms of the Elevating Device (Lifts and Elevators) procedure and any relevant supporting documents in the contract document(s).


3.4 Plant Services shall:

  1. ensure all Plant Services staff working in facilities with elevating devices are aware of the Elevating Devices (Lifts and Elevators) procedure and any relevant supporting documents;

  2. procure elevating device equipment that meets the necessary governing and regulatory standards;

  3. in conjunction with Purchasing Services, ensure that only Board-approved elevating device service contractors are hired to install, service and maintain Board-owned elevating devices; and

  4. consult, develop, review and update the Elevating Devices (Elevators and Lifts) procedure and any supporting documents as required.


3.5 Assistant Manager(s) of Maintenance Services and Shops shall:

  1. act upon all servicrequests;

  2. ensure annual licences issued by the TSSA are made available to all Board facilities with an elevating device;

  3. maintain a database of all Board facilities with elevating devices, including issued licences and all service and inspection reports; and

  4. liaise with elevating device service contractors and TSSA representatives as required.


3.6 Caretaking Services Staff shall:

  1. ensure the Elevating Device (Lifts and Elevators) procedure and any relevant supporting documents providing direction and instruction are implemented in the particular areas of responsibility;

  2. assist the school principal and/or vice-principal in managing an effective elevating device key control program;

  3. provide assistance to principals to ensure lifts for persons with physical disabilities are primarily used by such persons;

  4. provide assistance to principals to ensure elevating devices are used appropriately and only with authorization;

  5. be knowledgeable of Board Procedure #NP541.0, Working Alone or in Isolation (Support Staff) and refrain from riding in an elevating device when working in a building alone;

  6. liaise with elevating device service technicians during service calls; and

  7. record and maintain logs of all service calls and any other maintenance information in the Caretaker’s Logbook.


3.7 Principals, Vice-Principals and Managers shall:

  1. ensure all appropriate staff in their buildings are informed of the Elevating Devices (Lifts and Elevators) procedure and relevant supporting documents, as it pertains to their job;

  2. implement and manage an effective key control program that ensures all elevating device general use keys are maintained, controlled, and supplied by building administration or designate, such as reviewing permissions at the start of each school year or as required to minimize the number of keys in circulation;

  3. cover all costs of keys and re-keying elevating devices in the building under their responsibility resulting from lost keys and/or mismanagement of the key control program;

  4. ensure elevating devices are used appropriately and only with authorization;

  5. ensure lifts for persons with physical disabilities are primarily used by such persons;

  6. at their discretion, ensure students with physical disabilities requiring use of an elevating device are accompanied by an adult informed on the operation of the device;

  7. ensure that all persons, including staff, students and visitors requiring use of an elevating device are familiar with the operation;

  8. arrange for instruction of staff, students and visitors requiring the use of an elevating device if they are not familiar with its operation;

  9. as outlined in the Accessibility for Ontarians Disabilities Act, and following the sequential process below, provide the required communication to all persons affected by an emergency and/or non-emergency service interruption to an elevating device, which includes;

    • contacting on-site caretaking staff,

    • contacting the Board’s Maintenance Centre (if not already contacted by Caretaking staff) to notify them of a service requirement,

    • contacting all other parties that require regular use of an elevating device and will be affected by the service interruption,

    • posting the Ontario Disabilities Act (ODA) service interruption notices found on the

      Accessibility Standards page of the Board Wide Web (BWW) as required, and

    • determining in consultation with the customer and others the most appropriate accommodations when an elevating device is not available for use, as outlined in Board Policy #407.0, Accessibility Standards for Customer Service;

  10. immediately report all accidents or injuries sustained by any user to Health and Safety and follow-up with the appropriate accident/incident form for Board employees or students/visitors; and

  11. forward TSSA and elevating device contractor service reports to the on-site caretaking staff.


3.8 Health and Safety shall:

  1. in conjunction with Plant Services, consult, review, and update the Elevating Devices (Lifts and Elevators) procedure and any supporting documents as required.


3.9 Board-approved Elevating Device Contractors shall:

  1. ensure their employees and sub-contractors are informed of and abide by the Elevating Devices (Lifts and Elevators) procedure and any relevant supporting documents, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and any other applicable acts/codes or standards;

  2. provide and complete entries in the elevating device maintenance logbook during all site visits including all service and maintenance work performed;

  3. liaise with the assigned Assistant Manager(s) of Maintenance Services or Shops for all required service to all Board-owned elevating devices licenced under the TSSA; and

  4. ensure building administration and/or on-site caretaking staff are notified immediately of any service interruptions due to equipment and/or machinery repairs.


3.10 The Board’s Security Monitoring Company shall:

  1. notify members of the Plant Services On-Call Team of any after-hour elevating device service interruption calls received at the monitoring station.


3.11 All Elevating Device Users shall:

  1. be familiar with and abide by the Elevating Devices (Lifts and Elevators) procedure and relevant supporting documents;

  2. follow instructions and guidelines set out in;

    • TSSA licence(s) posted within the elevating devices,

    • Plant Services – Guide to Proper Use of This Elevating Device,

    • Plant Services – Elevating Devices (Lifts and Elevators) Transporting Acceptable Items List, and

    • other related documents;

  3. ensure the total body weight and the assistive device, if applicable, are within the maximum load (weight) capacity as stated on the licence of the device;

  4. if the weight of the assistive device is unknown, every effort should be made to determine the weight prior to use;

  5. contact someone in the building’s administration office and/or the on-site caretaking staff for any emergency and/or non-emergency service requirements;

  6. not ride in an elevating device without authorization; and

  7. not ride in an elevating device when in a building alone.


4. Department

Plant Services


5. Procedure History

Approved March 2012