Procedure #NP430.0, Portable Stage Systems, Risers & Platforms

Board Procedure #NP430.0, Portable Stage Systems, Risers & Platforms addresses the roles and responsibilities of individuals authorized to move, assemble, disassemble and purchase portable stage systems, risers and platforms for use in Board facilities. This procedure also outlines safe (proper) use, handling and storage guidelines of these systems.

This procedure applies only to equipment purchased from a Board-approved vendor. The Board does not support the construction, use, storage and transportation of homemade portable stage systems, risers, platforms, boxes, ramps and stairs.

On this page:


What has changed?

Summary of Major Changes to the Document

Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice?

Plant Services are now required to:

Caretakers and Principals are now required to:

Maintenance Centre staff are now required to:

  • investigate and install portable stage system anchors following the Plant Services practice Portable Stage Anchors (Installation to a Built-in or Permanent Stage) as it applies.

Staff, Students, Parents and Community Members are now required to:

  • for safety measures, refrain from assembling portable stage systems, risers and platforms on existing built-in or permanent stages. Choral-type risers excluded.
Implementation Timelines Immediately.
Lead Superintendent and/or Subject Matter Expert


Who has responsibilities?


How is this related to Board priorities?

Environment – Effective and Sustainable Educational Programs: Implementing measures to improve safety in school and workplace improvement plans.

Student Achievement and Well-Being – Continuously increasing student achievement and well-being through a culture of caring and learning, which emphasizes safe and supportive schools and workplaces.

Stewardship of Board Resources – Aligning human and financial resources with Board priorities by:

This procedure is also aligned with the Plant Services Commitment Statement.


What are the next steps?

Recommendation: That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Working Document Portable Stage Systems, Risers and Platforms be circulated to the system for comment for six school months.

If approved at the Senior Team Meeting, this policy will be posted and adopted by the system as a Working Document for six school months. Comments will be received for six school months and will be considered by the Senior Team at its May meeting.


Communications Plan:

The revised procedure will be communicated as follows:

  1. Weekly Summary communications to all staff

  2. Plant Services Communications

    1. Weekly Communication - Week in Review (all CUPE 1196 staff)

    2. Administrator Monthly Update for the upcoming month Supervisors of Facility Services meeting


The following information will be included in the weekly summary:

The Portable Stage Systems, Risers and Platforms procedure outlines roles and responsibilities of individuals authorized to use, move, assemble disassemble and purchase portable stage systems, risers and platforms for use in Board facilities. Changes include revisions to clarify the role of:

How do I find out more or provide feedback?

Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert.

In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.

Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, it is most helpful if you:

Specific recommendations or questions about the policy and procedure review process should be submitted via e-mail to, or to the attention of the Assistant Manager, Board and Trustee Services at or 905-727-0022 extension 2217 or mailed to The Education Centre - Aurora.


Document History and Previous Versions

Approved April 2008

Working document November 2014


It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.



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Board Procedure #NP430.0 Portable Stage Systems, Risers and Platforms

The Portable Stage Systems, Risers and Platforms procedure outlines the roles and responsibilities of individuals authorized to move, assemble, disassemble and purchase portable stage systems, risers and platforms for use in Board facilities. This procedure also outlines safe (proper) use, handling and storage guidelines of such systems.


1. Application of Procedure

This procedure applies only to equipment purchased from a Board-approved vendor. The Board does not support the construction, use, storage and transportation of homemade portable stage systems, risers, platforms, boxes, ramps and stairs.


2. Definitions


2.1 Portable Stage Systems, Risers and Platforms

Portable stage systems, risers and platforms are devices used to support or raise individuals to higher than floor-level elevations (same, multi-level or tiered). Variations include choral risers. Risers may also be described as raised platforms or stages.


2.2 Stage Accessories

Stage accessories include, but are not limited to, stairs, safety rails or guarding, legs, curtains, skirting, ramps, storage carts, multi-level securing devices and hardware.


2.3 Storage Carts

A device designed specifically to hold and/or store portable stage system platforms. Platform storage carts are a mandatory requirement and must be included in the purchase of a portable stage system to ensure the platforms are safely moved, assembled and stored.


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Portable Stages, Risers and Platforms procedure.


3.2 Purchasing Services shall:

  1. in consultation with the principal, facilitate the purchase of all new portable stage systems, risers, platforms and accessories from Board-approved vendor for product compatibility, consistency, training, safety, and maintenance;

  2. coordinate scheduled deliveries with the vendor and the caretakers at the receiving facility;

  3. in response to school and Plant Services requests, facilitate and process any service and maintenance requirements for portable stage systems, risers and platforms; and

  4. receive input on the effectiveness, safety and viability of current stage systems, risers, platforms and accessories and share this information with relevant system stakeholders such as, but not limited to the Health and Safety Department and Plant Services.


3.3 Plant Services shall:

  1. ensure all caretakers responsible for moving, assembling, disassembling and storing portable stage systems, risers and platforms are familiar with and abide by the requirements of the Portable Stage Systems, Risers and Platforms procedure and any relevant supporting documents;

  2. in conjunction with the Health and Safety Department, develop and facilitate a training program on the safe operation of portable stage systems and related accessories to be attended by all caretakers;

  3. ensure caretakers understand that portable stage systems, risers and platforms:

  4. only cover costs associated with the upkeep of portable stage systems purchased in the following elementary schools; Adrienne Clarkson Public School, Greensborough Public School, Julliard Public School, Lincoln Alexander Public School, Unionville Meadows Public School and Windham Ridge Public School; and

  5. when necessary, make recommendations to Purchasing Services on the effectiveness, safety and viability of current stage systems, risers, platforms and accessories.


3.4 Maintenance Centre shall:

  1. abide by the requirements of the Plant Services Standard Operating Practice – Portable Stage Anchors (Installation to a Built-in or Permanent Stage) to create a temporary stage extension using the portable stage system.


3.5 Caretakers shall:

  1. be familiar with and abide by the requirements in the Portable Stage Systems, Risers and Platforms procedure and any relevant supporting documents;

  2. participate in a training program provided by Plant Services;

  3. only move, assemble and disassemble Board-purchased portable stage systems, risers and platforms when:

  4. not participate in moving, assembling and disassembling portable stage systems, risers or platforms intended to be:

  5. inspect portable stage systems, risers, platforms and accessories before and after each use;

  6. order portable stage system replacement parts through Plant Services only for Adrienne Clarkson Public School, Greensborough Public School, Julliard Public School, Lincoln Alexander Public School, Unionville Meadows Public School and Windham Ridge Public School as required;

  7. clearly tag/mark any damaged, defective or unsafe portable stage systems, risers, platforms and accessories as “Out of Service” and maintain a log of these items;

  8. immediately inform school office staff members when service requirements are identified on portable stage systems, risers and platforms in facilities other than those listed above, so action can be taken to repair or remove the unit; and

  9. assist the Principal and Board Maintenance staff members in investigating whether or not portable stage system anchors can be used to create a stage extension with the existing portable stage system.


3.6 Principals shall:

  1. be familiar with and implement the requirements in the Portable Stage Systems, Risers and Platforms procedure and any relevant supporting documents;

  2. only purchase portable stage systems, risers, platforms, accessories, storage carts and any repair and/or replacement components from a Board-approved vendor identified by Purchasing Services;

  3. ensure portable stage systems, risers and platform systems;

  4. cover all associated costs related to the upkeep of portable stage systems, risers and platforms purchased for the facility, with the exception of Adrienne Clarkson Public School, Greensborough Public School, Julliard Public School, Lincoln Alexander Public School, Unionville Meadows Public School, and Windham Ridge Public School; Plant Services is responsible for the associated stage system costs at these facilities;

  5. ensure copies of the manufacturer’s manuals are maintained with the equipment; and

  6. submit a Repair and Replacement (R&R) requisition to the Board’s Maintenance Centre to have Maintenance personnel visit the facility and investigate whether or not portable stage system anchors can be used to create a temporary stage extension with the portable stage system.


3.7 Other Board Staff, Students, Parents and Community Members shall:

  1. act in a safe and responsible manner whenever working with, using or accessing portable stage systems, risers, platforms and accessories;

  2. report any damages, defects or unsafe conditions to the on-site caretakers, principal or designate;

  3. not attempt to make any repairs or modifications to portable stage systems, risers and platforms;

  4. with the exception of choral-type risers, not engage in moving, lifting, assembling or disassembling portage stage systems, risers or platforms as defined in this procedure without the assistance of a trained Plant Services caretaker; and

  5. not participate in moving, assembling and disassembling portable stage systems, risers or platforms intended to be;


4. Department

Plant Services

5. Procedure History

Approved April 2008

Working document November 2014