Procedure #NP611.0, Data Sharing with Children’s Aid Societies


The Board is committed to ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of the legal responsibility to report concerns and work collaboratively with 91妻友 Children’s Aid Society to ensure that reporting occurs in a timely and appropriate manner.

The Data Sharing with Children’s Aid Societies procedure supporting existing protocols between Children’s Aid Societies and the 91妻友 Region District School Board to improve educational outcomes for children and youth with Crown Ward status.

On this page:

Major Changes to the Document

The new Data Sharing with Children’s’ Aid Society procedure;

  • specifies data that the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) must provide to Student Success Lead or Board designate,
  • specifies when CAS must provide data,
  • specifies data that Student Success Leader or Board designate must provide to CAS,
  • clarifies which staff at the elementary and secondary level will receive the data, and
  • links to CAS Guiding Principles.

Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice?

  • Student Success Lead Principals
  • Teachers
  • CAS Supervisor

Implementation Timelines

Effective March 12, 2015


Who has responsibilities?

  • Director of Education
  • Superintendents
  • Student Success Lead
  • Principals
  • Teachers
  • CAS


How is this procedure related to Board priorities?

This procedure supports the Board’s commitment to continuously increase student achievement and well-being through a culture of caring and learning, as outlined in the Multi-Year Plan.


What are the timelines and next steps?

That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Working Document Procedure #NP611.0, Data Sharing with Children’s Aid Societies be circulated to the system for comment for six school months.

If approved, this procedure will be posted and adopted by the system as a working document for six school months. Comments will be received will be scheduled for consideration at the appropriate committee meetings in November 2015.

How do I find out more or provide feedback?

Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert.

In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.

Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, it is most helpful if you:

  • outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable;
  • the reason(s) for your concern(s); and
  • suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position.

Specific recommendations or questions about the policy and procedure review process should be submitted via e-mail to, or to the attention of the Assistant Manager, Board and Trustee Services at or 905-727-0022 extension 2217 or mailed to The Education Centre - Aurora.


It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.


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Board Procedure #NP611.0

Data Sharing with Children’s Aid Societies

The procedure outlines the steps to be followed to operationalize Data Sharing with Children’s Aid Societies. This protocol supports improved educational outcomes for children and youth with Crown Ward status.


1. Application

The mutual exchange of relevant student information, in accordance with the data sharing agreement, will enable the partners to work collaboratively to identify and provide appropriate supports for children and youth with Crown Ward status by:

  • enhancing the awareness of school board staff regarding the unique circumstances and needs of this population;

  • improving student achievement for children and youth with Crown Ward status; and

  • identifying and responding to barriers in order to close academic gaps for children and youth with Crown Ward status.


2. Guiding Principles

The following guiding principles govern the attitudes, behaviour and conduct of 91妻友 Region District School Board staff towards children and youth with Crown Ward status.

  1. We commit ourselves to building a shared understanding of the children and youth with Crown Wards status that we are serving. We will regularly check our assumptions.

  2. We recognize the need to respect the personal dignity of each child or youth with Crown Ward status.

  3. We recognize that the emotional and physical well-being of the student is paramount.

  4. We recognize that children and youth with Crown Ward status;

    • can achieve to their potential given the right support and time,

    • have unique circumstances and pathways, and

    • have strengths and interests that need to be fostered and developed.

  5. The collection, sharing, use and storage of data will be appropriate and in accordance with recognized protocols and legislation, such as, but not limited to the Education Act, Personal Health Information Protection Act, Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Information will be gathered, shared, used and stored only as necessary.

  6. We recognize the importance of including children and youth with Crown Ward status in the work of the Championship Team in a respectful, appropriate and sensitive manner.

  7. We will work to create a strategy of support that is sustainable.

  8. We value the unique understandings and knowledge that each sector brings to the team and will work collaboratively to extend our individual understanding and knowledge to better align our approaches and outcomes.

  9. We recognize the importance of measuring the effectiveness of our strategy and will commit to a reflective process that includes ongoing monitoring and evaluation.


3. Definitions


3.1 Crown Ward Education Championship Team (CWECT)

The Crown Ward Education Championship Team is a cross-sectoral collaboration that promotes the improved educational outcomes for children and youth with Crown Ward status.


3.2 Crown Wardship

An order that allows children and youth to be made a permanent ward of the state until such legal status is terminated by a court order or the youth turns 18 years of age.


4. Responsibilities


4.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Data Sharing with Children’s Aid Society procedure and the work of improving the graduation rate of children and youth with crown ward status.


4.2 Associate Directors, Coordinating Superintendents and Superintendents shall:

  1. support schools in their work with children and youth with crown ward status;

  2. provide support to educate staff regarding the importance of ensuring success for children and youth with crown ward status.


4.3 Children’s Aid Societies in which the Board has entered into a Data Sharing Agreement shall:

  1. provide to the Student Success Lead, or Board designate, a list of children and youth with crown ward status currently registered in 91妻友 Region District School Board schools;.

  2. provide the list each September and February, with students’ names grouped by school;

  3. ensure that the list contains;

    • each student’s given name and surname in alphabetical order,

    • their date of birth,

    • Ontario Education Number (OEN); and

    • name of school the student attends.


4.4 The Student Success Leader or designate shall:

  1. upon receipt of the information from the Children’s Aid Societies, verify the names and OENs against the list of students registered within the Board and send a confirmation back to the Children’s Aid Societies;

  2. forward information received from the Children’s Aid Societies to the appropriate principals;

  3. facilitate the release of the following documents to the Children’s Aid Societies as required;

    • school report cards,

    • credit counselling summaries,

    • Individual Education Plan (IEP) and Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) documents,

    • Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test results, and

    • Education Quality and Accountability Office assessment results.


4.5 Principals shall:

  1. provide all staff with an orientation to the Data Sharing Protocol developed by the Crown Ward Education Championship Team (CWECT), Guiding Principles and related procedure;

  2. ensure that the Guiding Principles are upheld by all staff providing direct support for children and youth with Crown Ward status;

  3. ensure that the sharing and use of information is solely to improve the educational outcomes of the student and at all times honours and protects the privacy and dignity of the child/youth;

  4. ensure that children and youth are included in their own educational, career and life pathways planning and decision making as appropriate for their age and developmental stage;

  5. at the secondary level, share the student list with the Guidance Head and with the appropriate staff members who are involved in direct service delivery to the identified child or youth with crown ward status;

  6. at the elementary level, share the students’ names with individual home room teachers and the Special Education Resource Teacher as appropriate;

  7. ensure that, upon request from the Student Success Leader or Board designate, the following information is forwarded to the appropriate Children’s Aid Society;

    • school report cards,

    • credit counselling summaries,

    • Individual Education Plan (IEP) and Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) documents,

    • Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test results, and

    • Education Quality and Accountability Office assessment results.


4.6 Secondary school staff members, elementary school homeroom teachers and elementary special education resource teachers who are involved in direct service to students identified as having crown ward status and who need the information to further the objectives of this agreement shall:

  1. ensure that the sharing and use of information is solely to improve the educational outcomes of the student and at all times honours and protects the privacy and dignity of the child/youth;

  2. communicate with the appropriate guardian, as per Procedure #672.0, Registering Children in Care; and

  3. meet with each assigned student individually to discuss supports, opportunities and interventions as they relate to the following;

    • academic strengths, interests and learning needs,

    • social and emotional well-being, and

    • educational and life career planning.


4. Related Procedures

Registering Children in Care


5. Department

Student Services


6. Procedure History

Working Document March 2015