Procedure #NP638.0, School Dances


Board Procedure #NP638.0, School Dances addresses the process for holding school dances or more formal events off Board property.

On this page:


Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities Under this Policy

  • Director of Education
  • Principals
  • Supervising Staff Members
  • Students
  • School Councils
  • Parent(s)/Guardian(s)


Relationship to the Board priorities

This procedure supports the provision of a safe and supportive school environment, engagement of students, staff, parents/guardians and community members and demonstrates professionalism and responsibility for high standards of practice in all Board operations.


It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.


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Board Procedure #NP638.0

School Dances

This procedure outlines the process for holding school dances or more formal events such as, but not limited to, proms, on or off Board property. This procedure applies to events sanctioned by the principal and/or the Board.


1. Definitions


1.1 Guests

Guests must accompany a student currently attending the school hosting the dance. They may include:

  • students of other schools in the 91妻友 Region District School Board; and

  • students or other attendees who are not registered in the 91妻友 Region District School Board.

  • Students who are suspended or expelled from any school, whether in the 91妻友 Region District School Board or other school boards, may not attend any school dance.

All guests must register before attending the dance. All guests attend at principal discretion.


1.2 Supervision

Supervision refers to the provision of adequate staff member oversight at the dance. There must be sufficient supervision organized by the principal to supervise students before, during and after the dance until the location is cleared of all students.

Supervision must include at least these five supervisors:

  • the principal or vice-principal;

  • both male and female supervisors; and

  • at least two police officers (optional for elementary schools).

Note: Private security companies may be used, but do not replace the supervisors required above.


2. Responsibilities


2.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the School Dances procedure.


2.2 Principals shall:

  1. authorize all school dances, regardless of who leads the organization of the event;

  2. ensure sufficient supervision;

  3. ensure all volunteers adhere to Policy #280, Volunteers in our Schools;

  4. determine whether or not to allow guests into school dances;

  5. ensure guest registration before the dance;

  6. ensure that students adhere to Policy #668.0, Caring and Safe Schoolsand notify police and parent(s)/guardian(s), as appropriate such as, but not limited to, the discovery of a weapon or replica weapon, alcohol or illegal drugs;

  7. ensure that students are not re-admitted students once they leave the dance;

  8. ensure that alcohol is not available in the specific dance location;

  9. ensure that the school dance ends no later than 11:00 p.m.;

  10. sign all contract(s) between the school and dance service providers such as, but not limited, to disc jockey, production company and/or facility; and

  11. communicate this procedure with students, parents/guardians, supervisors, service providers and the facility.


2.3 Supervising staff members shall:

  1. follow the principal’s direction for dance supervision;

  2. not admit a student to the dance or remove a student from the dance if there are reasonable grounds to indicate that the student is;

    • under the influence of alcohol,

    • under the influence of illegal or illicit drugs,

    • behaving in a disruptive manner, and/or

    • in possession of a weapon or replica weapon;

  3. not re-admit students once they leave the dance;

  4. not supervise any event not sanctioned by the principal and/or Board;

  5. recognize that presence at any event involving students carries with it supervisory responsibilities; and

  6. ensure that students adhere to the Caring and Safe Schools policy, and notify the principal and police, as appropriate such as, but not limited to, the discovery of a weapon or replica weapon, alcohol or illegal drugs.


2.4 Students shall:

  1. follow the principal’s direction;

  2. adhere to Board policies and procedures, including Caring and Safe Schools policy and procedures and the school code of student conduct;

  3. understand that they will not be admitted to the dance or will be removed from the dance if there are reasonable grounds to indicate that they are;

    • under the influence of alcohol,

    • under the influence of illegal or illicit drugs,

    • behaving in a disruptive manner, and/or

    • in possession of a weapon or replica weapon;

  4. understand that they will not be re-admitted once they leave the dance,

  5. understand that they may only bring a maximum of one guest to any school dance;

  6. ensure that school procedure is followed to register guests;

  7. in accordance with this procedure; and

  8. understand that all school dance tickets are non-refundable.


2.5 School Councils shall:

  1. understand that, although they may organize a dance, the ultimate authority for a school dance rests with the principal;

  2. adhere to Board policies and procedures; and

  3. understand that a dance that is not conducted under the authority of the principal and in accordance with Board policies and procedures is not a school/Board sanctioned event and therefore, individual parent(s)/guardian(s) will be subject to liability.


2.6 Parents/guardians shall:

  1. review behaviour expectations with their child(ren);

  2. understand that schools/Board will not be held responsible for non-Board/school events.


3. Department

Education and Community Services


4. Procedure History

Approved May 1998

Revised March 2009

Working Document May 2014

Revised February 2015