Procedure #NP645.0, Immunization of Students

Policy and Procedure #645.0, Immunization of Students outlines the requirement that students must have complete immunization records on file with 91妻友 Region Community and Health Services to attend school.

On this page:


Summary of Major Changes to the Document

Language updated to reflect current practice

Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice?

No changes to current practice

Implementation Timelines


Lead Superintendent and/or Subject Matter Expert

Superintendent of Schools, Operations


Who has responsibilities?

How is this related to Board priorities?

This addresses the Board commitment to well-being and ensures compliance with relevant legislation.

What are the next steps?

That in accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, Working Document Immunization of Students be circulated to the system for comment for six school months.

If approved, this procedure will be posted and adopted by the system as a working document for six school months. Comments received will be considered at the appropriate committee meetings in November 2015.

How do I find out more or provide feedback?

Questions about this procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert.

In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions.

Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, it is most helpful if you:

Specific recommendations or questions about the policy and procedure review process should be submitted via e-mail to, or to the attention of the Assistant Manager, Board and Trustee Services at or 905-727-0022 extension 2217 or mailed to The Education Centre - Aurora.


It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.


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Board Procedure #NP645.0 Immunization of Students

This procedure outlines the requirement that have complete immunization records for each student in the 91妻友 Region District School Board must be on file with 91妻友 Region Community and Health Services to attend school.


1. Definition


1.1 Grounds for Suspension

In accordance with the Immunization of School Pupils Act, the Medical Officer of Health may suspend a child from school if the following have not been received:

  1. a statement signed by a physician showing that the student has completed the prescribed program of immunization in relation to designated diseases; or

  2. a statement of medical exemption in respect of the student or, where the Medical Officer of Health has received a statement of medical exemption, the effective time period specified in the statement has expired and the Medical Officer of Health has not received a further statement of medical exemption; or

  3. a notarized statement of conscientious or religious belief in respect of the student.

The Medical Officer of Health may also suspend if he or she is not satisfied that the student has completed or will complete the prescribed program of immunization in relation to designated diseases.


1.2 Immunization Record

Immunization record refers to an official record of immunization maintained by a Medical Officer of Health under the Immunization of School Pupils Act.


2. Legislative Context

Immunization of School Pupils Act


3. Responsibilities


3.1 Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Immunization of Students procedure.


3.2 Superintendents of Schools shall:

  1. ensure that principals adhere to any order for suspension regarding designated diseases issued by the Medical Officer of Health, which requires suspension of the student named.


3.3 Principals shall:

  1. ensure the distribution of 91妻友 Region Community and Health Services immunization questionnaires to identified students;

  2. ensure students are not allowed to attend school if they are on the list for suspension from 91妻友 Region Community and Health Services until further notice is received by 91妻友 Region Community and Health Services; ensure that suspensions do not take place during the exam period;

  3. at the elementary level, ensure that the 91妻友 Region Community and Health Services immunization reminder letter is distributed to Grade 8 students with report cards in Juneand

  4. at the secondary level,


3.4 Teachers shall:

  1. distribute 91妻友 Region Community and Health Services immunization questionnaires; and

  2. distribute immunization letters notifying parents/guardians and students about an order for suspension regarding designated diseases.


3.5 Information Technology Services shall:

  1. ensure that 91妻友 Region Community and Health Services receives the following information per school, per grade and per class by the last week in September;

  2. names, addresses and home telephone numbers of the parent or guardian for each student.


3.6 Parents/guardians or adult students shall:

  1. ensure that the student’s immunization record is up-to-date for attendance at school; and

  2. understand suspension will result if a student’s immunization record is not up-to-date with 91妻友 Region Community and Health Services.


3.7 The Medical Officer of Health shall:

  1. inform principals, in writing, of suspensions required.


3.8 91妻友 Region Community and Health Services shall:

  1. ensure that each child attending school is immunized in accordance with Immunization of School Pupil’s Act;

  2. maintain immunization records on every student;

  3. review student immunization records yearly;

  4. by the end of October, send schools immunization letters for distribution to students whose immunization is not up-to-date, identifying when the letter must be returned and that suspension will occur if immunization is not complete;

  5. during the first week of December, send suspension notices directly to the homes of students who have not forwarded their updated immunization record, with a copy to the principal;

  6. during the second half of the school year, provide principals with a list of students who have not been immunized, whose immunization records are incomplete or who have been officially excused from immunization;

  7. send immunization reminder letters to schools to be distributed to students with report cards in June;

  8. provide the Medical Officer of Health with a list of students who have not been immunized, whose immunization records are incomplete or who have been officially excused from immunization;

  9. send out questionnaires to parents/guardians asking for any missing immunization information; and

  10. in accordance with Immunization of School Pupils’ Act, have grounds to suspend any student without an up-to-date immunization record.


4. Department

Education and Community Services


5. Procedure History

Approved January 1985

Revised October 2008

Working Document February 2015