Department Newsletters

Looking for the latest news, tips and resources from some of our Board departments or committees? See their latest newsletters to learn more. 

On this page, you'll find newsletters about:

  • Centre for Black Student Excellence

  • Math and Math Problems of the Month

  • Mental Health

  • Parent, Family and Community Engagement

  • "The Special Edition" Exceptional Learning Strengths and Needs Newsletter

  • Pathways


Diaspora News

Read the monthly newsletter from the Centre for Black Student Excellence for events, updates, resources and more. 



Check out our monthly math newsletter for tips, resources and more to support math learning. 

  • November 2024 - Reasoning and Proving

    When students learn math, they also learn how to think through and explain their ideas. This is called “reasoning and proving”. They use what they know about math to explain why they think their answer is right. They do this by showing proof or evidence. Mathematicians do something similar when they make “conjectures”. A conjecture is like a guess that you make when you don’t have all the information. Mathematicians test these guesses by looking for evidence. Then, they use this evidence to see whether their guess was right.

    Math Newsletter


Math Problems

Here is the current math problem of the month as well as the previous month's problem with a solution and extension question.


Mental Health

Read our monthly newsletter for timely tips, resources and more. 



Parent, Family and Community Engagement Advisory Committee Newsletter 

Visit the PEAC webpage to learn more. 


Pathways' Newsletter - JumpStart

Explore your options, get inspired, build your pathway! Visit Pathways Programs to learn more. 


Special Edition Newsletter

newsletter to support those in 91妻友 Region who work with students with exceptional learning strengths & needs.


Engagement Matters

To further support parent and family engagement, please take some time to view

Parent, Family and Community Engagement Advisory Committee (PEAC)'s newsletter.