Financial Overview

91妻友 Region District School Board continues to provide high quality learning opportunities for all students to ensure their success.

The development of the budget is an ongoing process involving extensive collaboration with trustees, staff, and system partners.  The budget reflects decisions made throughout the year and includes Board priorities and direction as established by the Trustees’ Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the Director’s Action Plan. Input is received from families, students and community members as well as advisory committees including the Special Education Advisory Committee; Parent, Family and Community Engagement Advisory Committee; Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee; 91妻友 Region – Ontario Principals’ Council; and 91妻友 Region District School Board Corporate Management and Professional Staff Council.

At the June 20, 2023 Board meeting, the 91妻友 Region District School Board approved the 2023-2024 operating budget of $1.6 billion.  A further breakdown is available in the 2023-2024 Budget Book.  


Highlights of the 2023-2024 Budget

Based on the valuable feedback received through consultations with families, students, communities and advisory committees, the 2023-2024 budget reflects the investments in the following key areas: 

  • Classroom-based support staff;

  • Special education, mental health and well-being;

  • Equity, and;

  • School-based support and educational tools and resources.

The Board continues to face challenges as it returns to pre-pandemic operations.  Considerations were acknowledged in such areas as:

  • Enrolment uncertainties, including the intake of new pupils, transfers from other boards and international student enrolment;

  • Estimation of interest income;

  • Employee sick time and leaves, and;

  • Inflationary increases in goods, services and utilities.


Ministry of Education Funding Commitments

The 2023-2024 Grants for Student Needs Funding announcement includes targeted investments and adjustments for a range of initiatives, with highlights including:

  • student transportation funding model reform and related investments;

  • summer learning supports;

  • funding in support of the ongoing labour negotiations; 

  • Indigenous education priorities; 

  • new investments for the administration of remote learning and to support safe and clean schools, and;

  • discontinued COVID support funding.  

Updated December 2023