The Parent, Family, and Community Engagement, Community Advisory Committees and Supporting Community and Fundraising Events policy and procedures support the Board’s commitment to parent, family, and community engagement in order to support student achievement and well-being.
On this page:
What has changed?
Major changes to the document: Updated Policy and Procedure.
Reason for review: Updated Policy and Procedure.
Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice? All stakeholder groups with responsibilities.
Implementation timelines: Immediate.
Lead Superintendent(s)/Subject Matter Expert(s): Director of Education and Superintendent, Leadership and Development
Stakeholders with Responsibilities under this Policy
- Board of Trustees
- Director of Education
- Associate Directors
- Coordinating Superintendent(s)
- Superintendents of Education
- Principals, Managers and Supervisors
- Community and Fundraising Events Review Committee
- Staff members
- Students
- Parents and Guardians
- Community Advisory Committee members
- External Community Organizations
- Culturally Responsive Community Partners
Relationship to Board priorities
The Parent, Family and Community Engagement policy and procedure supports families and student voices, success and well-being by developing positive collaborative relationships between the school and community members.
Timelines and Next Steps
This policy was scheduled for second review at the Feburary 7, 2023 Policy and By-Law Standing Committee meeting.
Providing Feedback
Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert through Trustee Services.
In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.
Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the on-line form. In your response please:
- outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
- suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and
- identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).
Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the on- line form or sent to the Policy Officer, Trustee Services via email at, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora.
Legislative Context
Related Policies and By-Laws
Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents
91妻友 Region District School Board Operational By-Law
It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.
Board Policy #238.0 Parent, Family and Community Engagement
1. Policy Statement
The 91妻友 Region District School Board values parent, family and community engagement in public education and the positive effect it has on student achievement, well-being and mental health.
Parent, family and community engagement is a collective responsibility.
Parents, families and community partners play an essential role in supporting student achievement well-being and mental health, and make valuable contributions to classrooms and schools.
The Board welcomes and encourages ideas and feedback from all of our staff, students, families and community members with a view to improving Board policy and the experiences and conditions within the Board. Their collective input informs Board policies, practices and planning and helps to ensure the Board’s actions and decisions accurately reflect the needs and concerns of the communities it serves.
Effective governance and leadership are the foundation to a successful education system. The Board of Trustees recognizes the need to be equitable, inclusive, respectful and innovative by using diverse strategies to attract meaningful input from partners and to facilitate engagement in support of student achievement, well-being and mental health, and public confidence in public education.
2. Application
Parents, families and community members are engaged with the Board in a variety of ways. These include community advisory committees, school council forums, school councils, student and parent/guardian/family surveys, policy and procedure review, Ontario Parents Reaching Out (PRO) grants, other informal means and many other working groups and community partnerships, which are important components of the Board’s operations.
A culture that supports and encourages parent, family and community engagement includes:
establishing a welcoming, inclusive and respectful environment where parent, family and community engagement is encouraged, respected and valued;
actively encouraging and providing opportunities for parents, families and community partners to share ideas to support Board planning to advance student achievement and well- being;
recognizing the many different ways parents/guardians/families support student learning, achievement and well-being;
providing opportunities for parents/guardians/families to engage with the school community and participate in their child’s learning and education, and effectively communicating with parents/guardians/families about their child’s learning;
providing opportunities for parents, families, and community members to engage in learning that strengthens collaborative relationships, fosters equitable and inclusive practices, and creates safe and welcoming environments;
identifying and removing discriminatory barriers to parent, family, and community engagement while structuring the committee to be representative of diverse communities in 91妻友 Region;
developing and strengthening relationships with community members whose work supports the Board’s mission, vision and values and who reflect the diverse communities the Board serves;
reviewing existing partnerships and seeking to expand them to reflect the diversity of our families and the broader community; and providing open and transparent access to relevant information to members of the public about educational policies, programs and services.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:
reviewing the Parent, Family, and Community Engagement policy in accordance with the priorities in the Multi- Year Plan, relevant legislation and the approved policy review cycle;
understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Parent, Family, and Community Engagement policy and procedure, where applicable;
seeking and considering meaningful input from community partners and serving as a conduit for community views and ideas that support Board priorities;
facilitating parent, family and community engagement in ways that support student achievement, well-being, and mental health;
developing and sustaining inclusive and respectful relationships with community advisory committees that facilitate meaningful input into Board matters that is aligned with the purpose/mandate of the community advisory committee;
adhering to the Operational By-Law for each community advisory committee;
postponing the appointment of community members to Board committees until after election day in a municipal election year, when possible;
forwarding requests for support from community organizations to the Director’s Office for consideration; and
as referenced in the Good Governance: A Guide for Trustees, School Boards, Directors of Education and Communities, supporting the work of community advisory committees by;
promoting the value and supporting the mandates of each community advisory committee,
working with community partners to invite input into relevant decision-making within the mandate of the Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Advisory Committee;
supporting communication with school councils, community advisory committees and the Board,
ensuring the Board reports back to community advisory committees on the actions taken by the Board and appropriate rationale in response to advice provided by community advisory committees,
making community advisory committees aware of relevant Board policies, and
promoting and encouraging collaborative relationships among the Board, community advisory committees and the broader community.
3.2 Chair’s Committee is responsible for:
considering all recommendations for appointments to community advisory committees in accordance with the relevant Operational By-Law and legislation.
3.3. The Director of Education is responsible for:
implementing and operationalizing the Parent and Community Engagement policy and procedures;
promoting parent, family and community engagement with staff and the community; and
reporting to the Ministry of Education and Board of Trustees, as required.
4. Definitions
4.1 Community Advisory Committees
Community advisory committees support parent and community engagement and provide advice and/or recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
The five community advisory committees are:
Procedure #238.1, Community Advisory Committees outlines the roles and responsibilities of each community advisory committee.
4.2 Community Members
Community members include, but are not limited to, committee members, contractors, parents/guardians/families, permit holders, vendors, volunteers, visitors, service providers, community partners and all other persons who attend, visit and who are invited to or who work on Board property.
4.3 Parent, Family and Community Engagement
Parent, family and community engagement refers to the interdependent relationship and partnerships established to support student achievement and well-being in alignment with the Ministry of Education’s Parent Engagement Policy for Ontario Schools. Parent, family and community engagement also refers to engaging people at various levels within the organization and the community. This can occur in a variety of contexts; at home, in the community, in the classroom, at school, within community education centres, and at the Board. This engagement also supports the development of strategic, cooperative, collaborative partnerships with parents, families, communities, agencies, businesses and others.
4.4 Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grants (As defined by the Ministry of Education)
Ontario's PRO Grants Grants are designed to support parents in identifying barriers to parent engagement in their own community and to find local solutions to involve more parents in support of student achievement and well-being.
There are two types of grants:
School councils of publicly funded schools in Ontario can apply for Parents Reaching Out Grants for School Councils.
Parent organizations, Parent Involvement Committees (PICs), publicly funded district school boards, non-profit organizations and postsecondary institutions operating in Ontario can apply for Parents Reaching Out Grants for Regional/Provincial Projects.
4.5 Parent and Student Surveys
The surveys provide the Board and schools with valuable information about how parent(s) and students feel about the school and public education in 91妻友 Region. Results are used to guide planning to support student achievement and well-being.
4.6 Partnerships
Partnership refers to a relationship in which the Board, its schools and staff members are involved with parents, families, caregivers, business partners, various levels of government, volunteers, community service agencies and parent groups. In general, it refers to those who contribute to and have an interest in supporting student achievement and well-being in 91妻友 Region public schools.
4.7 Policy and Procedure Review
The cyclical process by which the Board ensures policies remain current as outlined in Policy and Procedure #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents. This includes soliciting feedback from members of the educational community in a fair, equitable and transparent manner.
4.8 School Councils
Advisory bodies which may make recommendations to the school principal or to the Board of Trustees on matters as stated in all applicable Board policies and procedures.
School councils are comprised of:
parents/guardians (constituting the majority of members of the school council);
at least one community representative;
the school principal;
one teaching staff member; and
one support staff member.
4.9 School Council Forums
School council forums provide school council members with information on Ministry of Education and Board initiatives; as well as providing an opportunity for dialogue among local trustees, council members and Board and school administrators.
5. History
Approved: 2008
Working Document: June 2014, October 2017
Revised: 2012, March 2015, June 2018, Working Document 2022
Board Procedure #238.1
Parent, Family and Community Engagement
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines the roles and responsibilities of trustees, staff, students, parents, family members and community partners in supporting parent, family, and community engagement.
2. Responsibilities
2.1 The Director of Education shall:
allocate staff and resources to support the implementation of the Parent, Family and Community Engagement policy and procedures; and
create a culture that supports and encourages parent, family and community engagement as outlined in the Parent, Family and Community Engagement policy.
2.2 The Associate Director(s), Coordinating Superintendent(s), Superintendents of Education, Principals, Managers and Supervisors shall:
support the creation of a culture that supports and encourages parent, family and community engagement as outlined in the Parent, Family and Community Engagement policy; and
provide leadership to support the implementation of the Parent, Family and Community Engagement procedure.
2.3 Inclusive Schools and Community Services shall:
build and maintain strong partnerships with students, parents, families, communities, community organizations and social service agencies to ensure the Board is able to meet the diverse needs of our school communities through the provision of services such as, but not limited to,
translation and interpretation services,
providing culturally responsive approaches to ensure student school-community engagement,
supporting the implementation of equity and inclusive education policies, procedures and practices,
supporting schools in developing learning environments that are respectful, supportive and welcoming to all, and
liaising with community organizations that are reflective of the many diverse populations within the Board.
2.4 Corporate Communications shall:
support the clear communication of Board information and opportunities for parent, family and community engagement such as, but not limited to, website content, community outreach, resource materials.
2.5 Staff members shall:
foster a culture that supports and encourages parent, family and community engagement as outlined in the Parent, Family and Community Engagement policy.
2.6 Students shall:
understand that they have an important role in fostering a culture that supports and encourages parent, family and community engagement; and
supporting the engagement of their families and community in their achievement and well-being.
2.7 Parent(s) shall:
understand that they have an important role in fostering a culture that supports and encourages parent, family and community engagement.
3. History
Working Document: October 2017
Approved: June 2018
Revised: March 2022
Board Procedure #238.2 Community Advisory Committees
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines the role and responsibilities of trustees, staff members and community advisory committee members in supporting the operations of community advisory committees to facilitate meaningful input into Board matters that is aligned with the purpose/mandate of the community advisory committee.
2. Application
At the 91妻友 Region District School Board three community advisory committees provide advice to the Board on matters related to equity and inclusivity, parent and community engagement and special education.
2.1 Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee
As outlined in the Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee (EIAC) Operational By-Law, EIAC provides advice on the development and implementation of the Board’s Equity and Inclusivity Strategy, policies and procedures and helps to ensure that the Board addresses all dimensions of diversity.
EIAC achieves its purpose by:
providing equity and inclusivity advice on Board policies and procedures;
making recommendations to the Board of Trustees on effective practices relating to equity and inclusivity;
providing input on major system initiatives; and
receiving information and reports.
2.2 Parent, Family and Community Engagement Advisory Committee
As outlined in the Parent, Family and Community Engagement Advisory Committee (PEAC) Operational By-Law, PEAC supports, encourages and enhances parent engagement at the Board level in order to improve student achievement and well-being.
As outlined in the Education Act and Ontario Regional 612/00, School Councils and Parent Involvement Committees PEAC shall achieve its purpose by:
providing information and advice on parent engagement to the Board of Trustees;
communicating with and supporting school councils of schools of the Board; and
undertaking activities to help parents of pupils of the Board support their children’s learning at home and at school.
2.3 Special Education Advisory Committee
As outlined in the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Operational By-Law, SEAC makes recommendations to the Board on any matter affecting the establishment, development and delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils of the Board.
As outlined in the Education Act and Ontario Regulation 464/97, Special Education Advisory Committees SEAC’s responsibilities are:
to make recommendations to the Board in respect of any matter affecting the establishment, development and delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils of the Board;
to participate in the Board’s annual review of its special education plan;
to participate in the Board’s annual budget process as it relates to special education; and
to review the financial statements of the Board as they relate to special education.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
ensure compliance with appropriate legislation, Board policy and Operational By-Laws; and
allocate staff and resources to support the implementation of the Community Advisory Committee procedure.
3.2 The Director of Education, Associate Director(s), Coordinating Superintendent(s) and Superintendents of Education shall:
support the development of inclusive and respectful relationships between the Board and community advisory committees that facilitate meaningful input into Board matters that is aligned with the purpose/mandate of the community advisory committee.
3.3 The senior staff member(s) identified to support community advisory committees shall:
support the implementation of community advisory committees in accordance with appropriate legislation and Operational By-Law;
support the development of community advisory committee annual reports for the Board of Trustees;
support the committee with the process of revising Operational By-Law;
oversee the committee appointment process in accordance with all applicable legislation and the Operational By-Law;
provide Chair’s Committee with relevant legislation and background information about community appointments to community advisory committees;
coordinate orientation for community advisory committee members;
ensure advisory committees are aware of relevant system initiatives; and ensure follow-up reports are provided on the actions taken by the Board and/or staff members in response to advice provided by community advisory committees.
3.4 Administrative, Legal and Trustee Services shall:
schedule, for consideration by the Board of Trustees, the appointment of members to community advisory committees;
support the senior staff member(s) identified to support community advisory committees to provide an orientation for community advisory committee members and to implement Operational By-Laws;
provide support to community advisory committees to communicate and ensure awareness of the work of community advisory committee(s); and
support the Board of Trustees by making community advisory committees aware of relevant Board policies.
3.5 Community advisory committee members shall:
understand the role and meet the requirements of the community advisory committee as outlined in applicable legislation and Operational By-Law;
develop and sustain inclusive and respectful relationships with the Board of Trustees and staff members that facilitate meaningful input into Board matters that is aligned with the purpose/mandate of the community advisory committee;
work collaboratively with trustees and staff members to increase awareness of the role and work of community advisory committees; and
provide meaningful input on relevant Board policies and matters that is aligned with the purpose/mandate of the community advisory committee and supports student achievement and well-being.
3.6 School Councils shall:
be aware of and share information about the Board’s community advisory committees.
4. History
Working Document: October 2017
Approved: June 2018
Revised: March 2022
Board Procedure #238.3
Supporting Community and Fundraising Events
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure supports the mission, vision and values of the organization as it relates to centrally supported community and fundraising events. Information about school fundraising activities is outlined in School Fundraising and Administration of School Generated Funds policy and procedure.
2. Application
Organizations that the Board will support must:
be 91妻友 Region based or serve students, staff and families of 91妻友 Region;
be a government organization or provide proof of not-for-profit status; or their registered charitable number;
if not a government organization, confirm their status as a non-profit or registered charity is up to date with the required government agency (e.g. Canada Revenue Agency, or etc.);
demonstrate commitment to student achievement and well-being;
demonstrate that the partnership has a net positive effect, as determined by the Community and Fundraising Events Review Committee, on student achievement and well-being;
provide services, which are not provided by the Board, to students and their families;
work to support 91妻友 Region students, families, staff members and communities;
demonstrate commitment to the principles of equity and inclusivity;
demonstrate that the organization’s values and priorities align with the Board’s mission, vision, and values; and
not be a political party or affiliated with partisan activities.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Director of Education shall:
allocate staff and resources to support the Supporting Community and Fundraising Events procedure.
3.2 The Community and Fundraising Events Review Committee shall:
be coordinated and chaired by the Coordinating Superintendent of Education, Equity and Community Services;
be comprised of;
the Associate Director of Education, Program,
the Coordinating Superintendent of Education, Equity and Community Services,
the Chief Financial Officer,
the Manager, Corporate Secretariat and Trustee Services or designate, and
the Senior Manager, Corporate Communications or designate;
consider and respond to requests for support from not-for-profit community organizations in accordance with the Supporting Community and Fundraising Events procedure;
establish a process to expedite recommendations, where possible;
maintain a record of recommendations and rationale for decisions; and
provide regular updates and a written annual activities report to the Director of Education.
3.3 External Community Organizations shall:
ensure that requests for support for community and fundraising events;
are submitted to the Director’s Office for consideration, and
meet the criteria listed in Application of the Procedure.
4. Definitions
4.1 Community and Fundraising Events Review Committee
A staff committee that reviews and makes decisions regarding requests received from external, not-for- profit organizations to support community and fundraising events in accordance with Board goals, priorities, policies and procedures and budget availability.
5. History
Working Document: June 2014, October 2017
Approved: March 2015
Revised: June 2018, March 2022