Executive Summary
Board Policy #445.0, School Names and its related procedures address the process and criteria for naming and re-naming schools.
On this page:
What has Changed?
Reason for review: Changes to the policy and procedure.
Who is affected by these changes and what is the impact on current practice?
Implementation timelines: Immediate.
Lead Superintendent(s)/Subject Matter Expert(s): Tod Dungey, Associate Director, Leadership and Schools
Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities under this Policy
- Trustees
- Director of Education
- Associate Directors of Education
- Superintendent responsible for Operations
- Superintendents of Schools
- Plant Services
- Corporate Communications
Relationship to Board Priorities
This supports the Board’s Mission, Vision and Values and priority to enhance collaborative relationships within the Board and school communities.
Timelines and Next Steps
This policy was scheduled for second review at the December 13, 2022 Policy and By-Law Standing Committee meeting.
Providing Feedback
Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert.
In accordance with Board Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.
Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the on-line form. In your response please;
- outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
- suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and
- identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).
Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the on-line form or sent to the Policy Officer, Trustee Services via email at policy.committee@yrdsb.ca, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora.
Legislative Context
It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.
Board Policy #445.0 School Names
1. Policy Statement
Trustees, as elected representatives of their community, lead the process to name and, at times, to rename schools.
Establishing school names provides a unique opportunity to enhance the identity of the local community, the Board and its schools. School names must support the Board’s mission, vision and values, Board priorities and meet the best interests of students and the community.
The name of a school should be supported by the local community and provide opportunities for students, parents and community members to be inspired to learn.
2. Application
This policy applies to all trustees and staff members who are involved in naming and renaming schools.
Possible names for schools may be submitted to the School Names Committee through Administrative, Legal and Trustee Services at any time by trustees, staff members or members of the public. The Committee will determine their appropriateness and potential for inclusion on the List of Possible School Names.
The Trustee for the school that is undergoing a naming or renaming process is responsible to present a short list of names to the Finance and Property Standing Committee. This Trustee is responsible for selecting the name that will be presented to the Board for approval.
Names may be selected from either a pre-approved List of Possible School Names, which is developed by the School Names Committee, or presented by the trustee through a naming or renaming process. All names will be researched and vetted by the School Names Committee, and applicable subject matter experts, to ensure historical and current appropriateness for use on public facilities. The names on the pre-approved list require approval by the Finance and Property Standing Committee. Names may include:
a) local places or place names;
b) notable Canadian and international figures with diverse backgrounds and experiences, such as humanitarians and historical figures, and people who are recognized for their work and achievements;
c) people important to the school community; and
d) Indigenous names reflecting the contribution of Indigenous peoples.
The Board may rename an existing school for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to:
a) a significant change in identity and school focus;
b) amalgamation of schools;
c) school replacement; and
d) the determination that the current name is not appropriate (e.g. the name has caused hurt and/or harm).
Consideration will be given to the principles of equity and inclusivity and the culture, history and accomplishments of the school(s) affected.
When the renaming of a school is connected to concerns regarding the hurt and harm caused by the current name, the shortlist of names presented to the Finance and Property Standing Committee must seek to repair the harm done by the original name. The process for renaming will be designed to prevent further harm to the affected community.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:
a) reviewing the School Names policy in accordance with the priorities in the Trustees' Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the approved policy review cycle;
b) understanding and communicating with members of the community about the School Names policy, as required;
c) approving names for the List of Possible School Names recommended by the Finance and Property Standing Committee; and
d) approving the selected name for a naming or renaming of a school.
3.2 The Trustee for the new or renamed school is responsible for:
a) leading the process to name or rename the schools;
b) seeking input from the school community about the proposed name(s);
c) seeking input from identified groups or if applicable, from the community that has experienced hurt and harm if a school is being renamed;
d) creating a shortlist of possible names from either the List of Possible School Names or a vetted and approved name brought forward by the Trustee for the school;
e) bringing to the Finance and Property Standing Committee the proposed names for schools and the community engagement strategy; and
f) bringing forward a recommended name for consideration by the Finance and Property Standing Committee.
3.3 The Director of Education is responsible for:
a) implementing the School Names policy;
b) establishing the School Names Committee; and
c) allocate staff and resources to support the School Names Policy and related procedures.
3.4 The Finance and Property Standing Committee is responsible for:
a) reviewing the List of Possible School Names for the naming of schools every year;
b) considering potential school names and the community engagement strategy prior to seeking input from the community;
c) ensuring that no school name is proposed for multiple locations simultaneously;
d) considering the outcome of the community engagement strategy and the proposed school name;
e) approving the inclusion of additional names in the List of Possible School Names; and
f) considering the recommended name by the Trustee responsible for the naming or renaming process and making a recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
3.5 The School Names Committee is responsible for:
a) supporting the Trustee responsible for the naming or renaming process in developing and implementing the community engagement strategy;
b) receiving and researching potential school names and analyzing their appropriateness for use on a school;
c) reviewing requests to rename an existing school; and
d) recommending potential school names for inclusion on the List of Possible School Names for review by the Finance and Property Standing Committee.
4. Definitions
4.1 School Names Committee
Committee of staff responsible for receiving naming requests, researching and vetting potential school names, analyzing their appropriateness for use as a school name. All vetted school names will be presented for consideration to the Finance and Property Standing Committee.
The School Names Committee is comprised of members appointed by the Director.
4.2 List of Possible School Names
List of approved names by the Finance and Property Standing Committee developed by the School Names Committee for possible use as a school name.
5. Contact
Administrative, Legal and Trustee Services
Education and Community Services
6. History
Approved: 2004
Formerly Policy: #445.0, Naming of New Schools
Revised: 2005, 2006, 2009, February 2015, November 2019, March 2022
Working Document: March 2014, July 2018
Revised: November 2022
Board Procedure #445.1 School Names: New Schools
1. Procedure Statement
This procedure outlines the process for naming new schools.
2. Responsibilities:
2.1 The Superintendent responsible for Operations shall:
a) chair the School Names Committee;
b) work with appropriate staff, including the Superintendent of Education for the school being named, and the School Names Committee to research and provide information about potential school names for inclusion on the List of Possible School Names and consideration by the Finance and Property Standing Committee;
c) review and update the List of Possible School Names Committee as required;
d) review and update with the School Names Committee and the Finance and Property Standing Committee annually;
e) ensure that a school naming process commences in the school year prior to the planned school opening date; and
f) work with Superintendent of Education to develop the community engagement strategy.
2.2 The Superintendent of Education for the new school shall:
a) review the List of Possible School Names with the trustee responsible for the new school.
b) determine if additional names generated by the trustee need to be reviewed by the School Naming Committee;
c) support the trustee in finalizing the short-list of potential school names that will be shared with the School Names Committee and presented for consideration to the Finance and Property Standing Committee;
d) support the trustee to create the community engagement strategy that will be shared with the School Names Committee and presented to the Finance and Property Standing Committee;
e) work with the trustee to implement the community engagement strategy, as required;
f) support the trustee in sharing the outcome of the community engagement strategy;
g) determine if additional names generated by the engagement strategy need to be reviewed by the School Naming Committee;
h) support the trustee in presenting the short-list of potential school names and the community engagement strategy to the Finance and Property Standing Committee;
i) work with the trustee to finalize the recommendation for the school name for consideration by the Finance and Property Standing Committee; and
j) once approved at Board of Trustees, communicate the new school name to the school community.
2.3 The Senior Manager of Plant Services shall:
a) advise the Superintendent of Education, School and System Operations of the tender call date for new school projects.
2.4 The Finance and Property Standing Committee shall:
a) review the List of Possible School Names for the naming of schools annually;
b) approve potential school names and the community engagement strategy prior to seeking input from the community;
c) ensure that no school name is proposed for multiple locations simultaneously;
d) approve the inclusion of names in the List of Possible School Names; and
e) consider the outcome of the community engagement strategy, the proposed school name by the trustee responsible for the naming process and making a recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
2.5 The School Names Committee is responsible for:
a) receiving and researching potential school names and analyzing their appropriateness for use as a school name; and
b) recommending potential school names for inclusion on the List of Possible School Names for approval by the Finance and Property Standing Committee.
2.6 Corporate Communications shall:
a) provide support as needed in the community engagement process and communicating the new school name; and
b) liaise with the individual or family being named to a school to secure appropriate approvals when a school is being named for an individual, once the name has been approved by the Board of Trustees.
3. Contact
Administrative, Legal and Trustee Services
Education and Community Services
4. History
Approved: 2005
Formerly Procedure: #445.0, Naming of New Schools
Working Document: March 2014, July 2018
Revised: 2006, 2009, February 2015, November 2019, February 2022, November 2022
Board Procedure #445.2 School Names: Renaming Schools
1. Procedure Statement
The procedure outlines the process for renaming schools.
2. Responsibilities
2.1 The Superintendent of Operations shall:
a) receive requests for the renaming of a school and the rationale for that renaming;
b) work with School Names Committee to consider any school naming requests;
c) work with the trustee responsible on the rationale for renaming a school for consideration by the Finance and Property Standing Committee; and
d) if renaming a school is supported by the Board of Trustees, work with the School Names Committee and School of Schools for the school to be renamed to develop the community engagement strategy and research possible school names for the renaming of a school for consideration by the Finance and Property Standing Committee.
2.2 The Superintendent of Education for the renamed school(s) shall:
a) review the List of Possible School Names with the trustee responsible for the school identified to be renamed;
b) determine if additional names generated by the trustee need to be reviewed by the School Naming Committee;
c) support the trustee in finalizing the short-list of potential school names that will be shared with the School Names Committee and presented for consideration to the Finance and Property Standing Committee;
d) support the trustee to create the community engagement strategy that will be shared with School Names Committee and presented to the Finance and Property Standing Committee;
e) support the trustee in presenting the short-list of potential school names and the community engagement strategy to the Finance and Property Standing Committee;
f) work with the trustee to implement the community engagement strategy, as required;
g) support the trustee in sharing the outcome of the community engagement strategy;
h) determine if additional names generated by the engagement strategy need to be reviewed by the School Naming Committee;
i) work with the trustee to finalize the recommendation for the revised school name for consideration by the Finance and Property Standing Committee; and
j) once approved by the Board of Trustees, communicate the revised school name to the school community.
2.3 The Finance and Property Standing Committee shall:
a) review the List of Possible School Names for the naming of schools annually;
b) approve the inclusion of names in the List of Possible School Names;
c) consider potential school names and the community engagement strategy for the renaming of a school prior to seeking input from the community;
d) ensure that no school name is proposed for multiple locations simultaneously;
e) consider the outcome of the community engagement strategy and the proposed school name; and
f) recommend the new school name for presentation to the Board of Trustees.
2.4 The School Names Committee shall:
a) receive and research potential school names and analyzing their appropriateness for use as a school name; and
b) recommend potential school names for inclusion on the List of Possible School Names for approval by the Finance and Property Standing Committee.
2.5 Corporate Communications shall:
a) provide support as needed in the community engagement process and communicating the new school name;
b) liaise with the individual or family being named to a school to secure appropriate approvals when a school is being named for an individual, once the name has been approved by the Board of Trustees; and
c) communicate the reasons for unnaming and renaming of a school to all YRDSB staff, the school being renamed and the community.
3. Contact
Administrative, Legal and Trustee Services
Education and Community Services
4. History
Formerly Procedure: #444.0, Renaming Existing Schools
Working Document: March 2014, July 2018
Revised: 2005, 2006, February 2015, November 2019, February 2022, November 2022