Dual Credit Colleges and Course Descriptions

The Dual Credit program allows secondary students in grades 11 and 12 to explore the college pathway while taking courses in areas of interest. The 91妻友 Region District School Board, in partnership with local GTA colleges offers a large variety of dual credit courses. Students simultaneously earn TWO credits; one college credit and one secondary school elective credit.​

Courses are offered during: Semester one, semester two and condensed in the spring. 

For more information about the specific courses offered at each College, please visit the College Dual Credit pages below:

*Please note: that not ALL courses offered at each college is offered through YRDSB. Please refer to the Dual Credit Handout for courses specific to YRDSB. 

If you are in an SHSM program, some dual credit courses may qualify as credit towards your specific sector, see SHSM College Delivered Dual Credit Chart (PDF).


How to Register

To register, students need to complete the following steps:

  • Pre-select Dual Credit course(s) on My Pathway Planner and speak with their home-school guidance counsellor.
  • Ensure that you speak to your counsellor to have a flexible timetable to accommodate that the dual credit course(s) so that they do not conflict with day-school scheduled classes.


For more information

Accelerated OYAP Dual Credits

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)


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