
Literacy is a human right

In YRDSB, students will be confident and literate learners who apply their knowledge and skills to be contributing members of a changing global society.

To support the teaching and learning of language and literacy, YRDSB has developed a Comprehensive Literacy Framework grounded in five principles to ensure literacy programming:

  • Builds and nurtures relationships

  • Affirms identities while building critical consciousness

  • Holds high expectations for all learners

  • Promotes agency and choice

  • Centres equitable and differentiated assessment and instruction


What is my child learning?

Literacy learning occurs across all grades, subjects and disciplines.

The Ministry of Education curriculum documents identify what students must know and be able to do by the end of each grade in Ontario publicly-funded schools.

* The Ontario language curriculum for Grades 1-8 was revised for September 2023.


How can I support my child with Literacy?

Parent Guides and resources to support your child’s literacy at home can be found on this Ministry of Education website.

The Language Grades 1-8 Guide for parents gives information about the revised grades 1-8 curriculum. The guide includes:

  • A summary of the changes in the revised curriculum
  • And outline of the knowledge and skills students need to learn at each grade
  • Strategies to support your child’s literacy learning

TVO Learn provides resources for students in Grades 1-8 and access to some courses and resources for Grades 9-12.


Additional Supports/Resources

EarlyON Child and Family Centres offer free, high-quality programs for families and children from birth to 6 years old.

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