Job Shadowing / Job Twinning
Job Shadowing and Job Twinning normally involve only one-half to one school day and have no credit value independent of the course within which they are undertaken. Job Shadowing allows a student to spend one half to one day with a worker in a specific occupation observing them in their job. Job Twinning programs provide students the opportunity to accompany a cooperative education student to his or her placement for one-half to one day in an observer’s role. Job Shadowing and Job Twinning may be integrated into any credit course in the secondary school program.
Insurance Coverage
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
Most students participating in work education programs such as School-work Transition Programs and Cooperative Education Programs are covered under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. To ensure coverage, a Ministry of Education Work Education Agreement form must be completed and signed by all parties prior to student placement. This insurance coverage, arranged through the Ministry of Education, applies only to the hours stated on the Work Education Agreement.
A Work Education Agreement form must be completed for students who are observing at the same placement for more than one day in a job shadowing or “job twinning” experience and who are involved in hands-on work, provided that they are at least fourteen years of age. Coverage is not provided for students under fourteen.
Job shadowing or job twinning experiences lasting one day should be treated as field trips.
Liability Insurance
Students and training organizations are insured against a lawsuit arising out of the negligence of the student while performing the duties of the co-op placement. The Board does not cover personal injuries to the student.
Student Accident Insurance
Student Accident Insurance is made available to all 91妻友 Region District School Board students. This insurance is optional and is paid for by students and parents. All Cooperative Education students are strongly encouraged to purchase a policy.
For more information about Job Shadowing / Job Twinning opportunities, see the Community Based Education Head or Guidance/Career Education Head in your school.
For employers interested in participating in these programs click here.