Council for Exceptional Children - Yes I Can Awards

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) - 91妻友 Region Chapter #543

2024 Yes I Can! Awards



In 91妻友 Region, a joint CEC Yes I Can Awards Ceremony is held each spring with the 91妻友 Region District School Board, 91妻友  Catholic District School Board and the Ontario Council for Exceptional Children. Together we celebrate the accomplishments of students, while recognizing the educators, staff and parents who teach, support and inspire students with exceptionalities.

The Yes I Can Awards honour children and youth with exceptionalities who shine. CEC has recognized the accomplishments of thousands of students since the program started in 1982. Every year, teachers, support staff and administrators are invited to nominate students with special education needs who have demonstrated outstanding growth in the areas of the CEC International categories of:

  • Academics
  • Arts
  • School and Community Activities
  • Self-Advocacy
  • Technology
  • Transition to Work / Vocational Training / Independent Living

The Council for Exceptional Children also recognizes educators, parents and businesses, agencies or community organizations who have given outstanding service to the CEC or directly to exceptional children and youth.  The adult award categories include:

  • Business/Agency/Community Organization Award
  • Educational Leader of the Year
  • Paraprofessional of the Year Award
  • Parent Award
  • President's Award
  • Teacher of the Year Award

Additionally, the 91妻友 Region Chapter #543 nominates students and adults for a Provincial Yes I Can Award presented by the Ontario Council for Exceptional Children at their Annual Special Education Conference.  For more information about the Ontario Council for Exceptional Children or the awards process or past recipients, please visit the Ontario Council for Exceptional Children webpage


2024 Yes I Can! Award Recipients

On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, the CEC 91妻友 Region Chapter hosted its annual awards ceremony! We were thrilled to celebrate all the outstanding students, parents, teachers, education staff and businesses with our 2024 Yes I Can Awards ceremony. With over 700 attendees, we presented awards to 170 students and 12 adults.  Please see below for highlights of this year's YRDSB adult award recipients.

Wendy has served as Regional Student Services Intervention Support Worker for a number of years and has developed a reputation for being a responsive ally who willingly works alongside staff to support them to build confidence and fidelity to serve their students. Wendy has been an incredible advocate for students with exceptionalities both in her capacity as Regional Intervention Support Worker with a CPI Focus, as well as in her work with the Summer Institute program. 

Rebecca is a professional, hardworking and compassionate Occupational Therapist in YRDSB. She truly cares about all the students she supports and ensures that students are able to participate actively in all aspects of the curriculum and school community. She works collaboratively with school staff to ensure student equipment is safe and prioritizes accessibility to all areas of the program and school. In addition to her work in schools, Rebecca is also an active member of the planning team for our Elementary and Secondary Athletics and Activities Festivals. 


Alexia’s dedication to student services as the Assistant Head of the Special Education at Milliken Mills High School exemplifies her excellent work habits and leadership that sets her apart from other staff. Alexia has supported students in their successful enrolment into the PEAK program, the Trillium school for the blind, summer courses and also supported four successful recipients of the Ignite Technology Graduation Grant. As a leader, Alexia has guided SERTs as they supported students with Individual Education Plans resulting in an increase in credit retention. She also presented department professional learning resulting in increased staff capacity to support the well-being of students facing mental health challenges. 

Christina Miller is an exceptional Educational Assistant at H.G. Bernard P.S. in the Multiple Exceptionalities Community Class. She builds relationships with classroom teachers, families and paraprofessionals. Christina finds ways to support all exceptional students and is always looking for what she can do next to support a student.  Her expertise has not only had an impact on the community class, but also in the larger school community as trusted support staff for many students. 

Through advocacy and influence, Mealnie has played a pivotal role in shaping the attitudes of parents, teachers, administrators, and others, fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for all. She plays an active role at all school events, has been the president of the parent council for years and supports the community class students who help her out with all of our hot food lunches. Her commitment to advocating for special education in her community has been nothing short of inspirational. 

In her role as Manager at Dollar Tree in Newmarket, Natasha consistently goes above and beyond to create an inclusive and supportive environment for all. Natasha actively engages with the YRDSB Work Experience Program which includes many students with diverse abilities. Through her mentorship, Natasha empowers students to realize their full potential and achieve their goals.