Policy and Procedure #267.0, Supporting Community Concerns


The Supporting Community Concerns policy and procedure reinforces the importance of high standards of practice regarding service provision by the Board. Dialogue and collaborative relationships between trustees, staff members and members of the public are essential to increase student success and well-being, deliver effective and sustainable educational programs and ensure the effective management of Board resources.

On this page:


Stakeholder Groups with Responsibilities under this Policy and Procedure:

  • Board of Trustees
  • Individual Trustees
  • Director of Education
  • Trustee Services
  • Associate Directors and Coordinating Superintendent(s)
  • Superintendents of Education
  • Staff members
  • Students
  • Community members


Relationship to Board Priorities

This policy and procedure support the priorities in the Multi-Year Strategic Plan regarding student success and well-being, the delivery of effective and sustainable education programs and the stewardship of Board resources. It supports confidence in public education by fostering collaborative relationships and ensuring transparency and accountability in all Board operations.


Timelines and Next Steps

Policy revisions to comply with PPM 170, School Board Communication with Parents will be presented at the August 27, 2024 Board meeting The policy will be an information item at the September 10, 2024 Policy and By-Law Standing Committee meeting.


Providing Feedback

Questions about this policy and/or procedure should be raised with your principal, manager or supervisor. If additional clarification is required, principals, managers and supervisors may contact the lead superintendent and/or subject matter expert and Trustee Services.

In accordance with Board Policy 285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents, the Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on Board policy.

Input is an important component of the review process. If you feel a policy and/or procedure needs to be revised, feedback may be submitted through the school council or by submitting the online form. In your response please:

  • outline clearly the specific section(s) of the policy and/or procedure in which you are not comfortable,
  • suggest specific alternate wording to reflect your position, and
  • identify the reason(s) for your concern(s).

Specific recommendations or questions about the review process should be submitted using the online form or sent to the Policy Officers via email at policy.committee@yrdsb.ca, or via telephone at 905-727-0022 extension 2570 or in hard copy at The Education Centre – Aurora.


Legislative Context 

Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act


Related Documents 

91妻友 Region District School Board Trustee Code of Conduct

Shared Solutions A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts

Policy #237.0, Parent, Family and Community Engagement

Policy #238.0, Parent, Family and Community Engagement

Policy #240.0, Human Rights: Code-Related Harassment and Discrimination

Policy #242.0, Standards of Conduct

Policy #250.0, Violence Prevention and Intervention and Non-Code Workplace 
Harassment - Employees

Policy #285.0, Board Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents

Policy #407.0, Accessibility

Policy #668.0, Caring and Safe Schools

It is the expectation of the 91妻友 Region District School Board that all employees, students and persons invited to or visiting Board property, or partaking/volunteering in Board or school-sponsored events and activities, will respect the policies and procedures of the Board.


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Board Policy #267.0 Supporting Community Concerns


1. Policy Statement

The Supporting Community Concerns policy reinforces the importance of high standards of practice regarding services provided by the Board. Constructive dialogue and collaborative relationships between trustees, staff and members of the public are essential to increasing student success and well-being delivering effective and sustainable educational programs and ensuring the effective management of Board resources.

The 91妻友 Region District School Board (YRDSB) is committed to increasing confidence in public education through accountability and transparency and believes that community concerns should be addressed in a collaborative way between the community member and staff at the school and/or department. Community concerns should be supported in a fair and respectful manner that results in a shared understanding and reflects the Board’s Mission, Vision and Values.


2. Application

The Supporting Community Concerns policy and procedure reinforces the importance of engaging in dialogue, with staff at the school and/or department, to support student success. It outlines processes for addressing concerns that fall under existing Board policy and how day-to-day operational matters are to be addressed through staff.

Most situations can be resolved by cooperating to solve issues, building positive relationships, and engaging in constructive dialogue with those closest to the issue. Individuals are encouraged to dialogue with their principal, manager, superintendent, or supervisor to determine the most appropriate way to address the concern. The Supporting Community Concerns procedure outlines how concerns can be addressed in a positive and constructive way.

Where appropriate, and based on the unique circumstances surrounding a concern, individuals may be directed by the principal, manager, superintendent, or supervisor to one of the following existing policies:

  1. Human Rights: Code-Related Harassment and Discrimination policy and procedure for reports of code-related harassment and discrimination.
  2. Violence Prevention and Intervention and Non-Code Related Workplace Harassment – Employees policy and procedure for reports of school or workplace violence and non-code related harassment involving staff.
  3. Accessibility policy and procedure for the provision of services under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
  4. Trustee Code of Conduct and Complaint Protocol for the Trustee Code of Conduct for reports of inappropriate conduct by a trustee.
  5. Standards of Conduct policy and procedure for reports of professional misconduct, inappropriate conduct or behaviours by the Director of Education, an employee or community member.
  6. Caring and Safe Schools policy and procedures for reports of inappropriate conduct by a student.

As representatives of their communities, trustees are available to support and facilitate communication between members of the community and staff regarding day-to-day operational matters. Trustees elevate the voice of parents, students and community members when engaging in dialogue about decisions of the Board. Trustees may be contacted at any time for guidance in determining who to reach out to and when. Their role is to support members of the community to navigate the system. They may not act as a direct representative of the community member(s).

In accordance with Policy/Program Memorandum 170, appropriate staff members within school boards must ensure the acknowledgement of a parent inquiry within two business days. Staff members shall make best efforts to provide an estimated date of response if a parent inquiry cannot be fully addressed within five business days of receipt.


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Board of Trustees is responsible for:

  1. reviewing the Supporting Community Concerns policy in accordance with the priorities in the Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the approved policy review cycle;
  2. understanding and communicating with members of the community about the Supporting Community Concerns policy, as required; and
  3. addressing concerns related to the Director of Education in accordance with applicable Board policies and procedures.


3.2 Individual Trustees are responsible for:

  1. considering themes expressed by a member of the community formally or informally as part of their regular decision making at meetings of the Board;
  2. understanding the process by which day-to-day operational concerns should be addressed in accordance with the Supporting Community Concerns policy and procedure; 
  3. supporting community members with navigating the Supporting Community Concerns policy and procedure;
  4. reaching out to the Director of Education, and Trustee Services or the Chair to seek clarity regarding the process by which day-to-day operational concerns should be addressed, when required,
  5. providing guidance to community members in determining the appropriate process that should be used to address the concern;
  6. encouraging communication between members of the community and staff, where applicable;
  7. discussing governance-related matters with the Board Chair to determine appropriate next steps in accordance with applicable Board policy, procedure, and Operational By-Law; and
  8. addressing concerns about how an operational matter has been handled with the Director of Education.


3.3 Board Chair is responsible for:

  1. providing advice and guidance to individual trustees; and
  2. working with trustees to address governance-related matters including but not limited to scheduling an item for discussion at an appropriate committee meeting.


3.4 The Director of Education is responsible for:

  1. implementing and operationalizing the Supporting Community Concerns policy and procedure; and
  2. supporting trustees’ awareness of how concerns are addressed.


4. Contact

Director’s Services,

Trustee Services,

Education and Community Services


5. History

Approved: April 2016

Working Document: September 2015, October 2017, December 2019

Revision Drafted: May 27, 2020

Revised: July 2018, June 2020, August 2024


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Board Procedure #267.1 Supporting Community Concerns


1. Procedure Statement

The Supporting Community Concerns procedure outlines the processes available to community members to address concerns at the local level.


2. Application

Where appropriate, and to facilitate dialogue and build relationships, members of the community are encouraged to engage in informal discussion at the local level. To support this process participants may refer to the Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts for best practices and strategies to engage in constructive conversations.

For school and student-related matters;

  1. arrange a meeting with the appropriate staff member at a mutually convenient time,
  2. if further assistance is required, the school principal, or designate, may be contacted to review the matter, mediate, and help facilitate the process, and
  3. contact the superintendent of education if the matter remains unresolved.

For non-school or non-student related concerns, the local superintendent of education should be contacted to consider the concern and engage the appropriate staff members.

Members of the community may contact their local trustee at any time.

If the matter remains unresolved following discussion with staff members, or in cases where the community member expressing the concern is uncomfortable working with the staff member(s) in the steps outlined above, the following process may be followed:

  1. contact the Director’s Office and the concern will be reviewed to confirm if it falls within the jurisdiction of the Board. If the concern does not fall within the Board’s jurisdiction, staff will advise the community member accordingly and where applicable recommend other options;
  2. where the concern falls within the jurisdiction of the Board and does not fall under another Board policy, and with the consent of the community member, an informal conversation will be scheduled with the appropriate staff member(s) to discuss the concern and needs. Both sides should seek to understand and work towards a potential solution. The outcome of the discussion and appropriate next steps will be shared with the Director’s Office by the staff member(s) for information;
  3. if the community member feels the concern requires further consideration, the Director may be contacted. The Director will determine appropriate next steps; and
  4. accommodations to support the completion of a submission to the Director’s Office or support participants in the process are available through the Human Rights Commissioner’s Office.


3. Responsibilities


3.1 The Director of Education shall:

  1. allocate staff and resources to support the Supporting Community Concerns procedure.


3.2 Director’s Office and Trustee Services shall:

  1. provide guidance to trustees and community members regarding the Supporting Community Concerns policy and procedure;
  2. forward concerns to the appropriate staff member or Board committee for action; and
  3. track the outcome of each concern.


3.3 The Associate Director(s) and Coordinating Superintendent(s) shall: 

  1. engage appropriate staff members to consider concerns raised, where applicable;
  2. participating as needed to discuss the concern; and
  3. communicating the outcome(s) of concerns raised with the Director’s Office and Trustee Services, as applicable.


3.4 Superintendents of Education shall:

  1. support trustees, staff members, and community members during the process;
  2. engage appropriate staff members to respond to concerns raised, where applicable; and 
  3. follow-up on concerns that have not been addressed by staff members within the required timelines.


3.5 The Director, Associate Director(s), Coordinating Superintendent(s) and Superintendent(s) of Education shall:

  1. engage in dialogue with members of the community who have concerns about system matters within the required timelines.


3.6 Corporate Communications shall:

  1. relay any existing school board policies or guidelines related to communications to staff and to post the protocol on the public website.


3.7 Principals shall:

  1. support applicable staff to inform parents of the protocol and how to access it:
    1. upon registration of a new pupil; and
    2. at the start of each school year.


3.8 Managers shall:

  1. engage in dialogue within the required timelines with members of the community who have concerns about department activities at the request of the Director, Associate Director, Coordinating Superintendents or Superintendent of Education.


3.9 Staff members shall:

  1. engage in dialogue with community members about school or department concerns, as required; and
  2. consider consultation with community and parent advisory committees and review their protocols regularly.


3.10 Community Members shall:

  1. when addressing a concern, follow the steps outlined in the appropriate Board policy and/or procedure;
  2. engage in dialogue with staff members about the school or department concern, as required;
  3. notify staff member(s) if they plan to bring a representative to any meeting;
  4. contact Trustee Services if the concern persists to discuss possible next steps;
  5. understand that day-to-day operational matters are to be addressed through school or department staff, and 
  6. contact the local trustee for guidance in navigating the process.


3.11 Representatives shall:

  1. understand that the cost associated with participation in meetings is the sole responsibility of the community member; and 
  2. ensure that all information discussed at the meeting remains confidential.


4. Definitions 


4.1 Community Members

Community members include, but are not limited to, committee members, parent(s)/guardian(s), volunteers, visitors, service providers, community partners and all other non-staff members who attend, visit and who are invited to or who perform work on Board property.

Ontario Ombudsman (As defined by Ombudsman Ontario)

An independent officer of the Ontario Legislature who investigates complaints from members of the public about Ontario government services, recommending improvements for governance and resolving individual issues.


4.2 Representative

A representative is a support person identified by the community member who may attend any meeting with staff.


4.3 Required Timeline

Appropriate staff member within the school board must ensure the acknowledgement of a parent inquiry within two business days. Staff members shall make their best efforts to provide an estimated date of response if a parent inquiry cannot be fully addressed within five business days of receipt.

In instances where an inquiry is emailed to multiple staff members, one staff member will be identified to respond to the inquiry. 

Timelines may deviate from the guidance above, where parent inquiries are threatening, abusive, or otherwise inappropriate.


4.3.1 Parent Inquiry

Matters pertaining to their child’s education and information about the types of inquiries parents and guardians can have addressed at the:

  1. Classroom level;
  2. School level; and
  3. Board level.


5. Contact

Director’s Services,

Trustee Services,

Education and Community Services


6. History

Approved: April 2016

Revised: July 2018

Working Document: October 2017, December 2019, August 2024