2.1 The Board’s General Model for Special Education

The purpose of the standard is to provide the ministry and the public with information on the board’s philosophy and service-delivery model for the provision of special education programs and services.


Special Education Legislative Foundations: A Legal Framework​

The 91妻友 Region District School Board Special Education Plan is developed with a commitment to the provision of special education programs and services for students and rests within a legal framework. The Education Act and Regulations associated with it, set out the responsibilities related to special education and have governed the development of the Board Special Education Plan. The Plan has been designed with recognition of the provisions included in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Ontario Human Rights Code and the Ontarians with Disabilities Act.​

In accordance with the Education Act and Regulations, the 91妻友 Region District School Board is committed to providing its full resources to affording learning opportunities and supports to allow all students to pursue the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to succeed in a rapidly changing society. The 91妻友 Region District School Board recognizes the need to provide a range of program options for students identified as exceptional. Provision of these options is accomplished by:​

  • engaging in professional learning and reviewing current practices and processes to increase identity affirmation and inclusion;

  • following appropriate identification, placement and review procedures with full and appropriate parent(s)/guardian(s) involvement;

  • assigning teachers with appropriate educational qualifications;

  • developing Individual Education Plans (IEPs) which focus on improved student learning;

  • demonstrating concern for the development of all aspects of learning for the exceptional student (i.e., academic, social, cultural, physical, intellectual, behavioural and emotional);

  • recognizing all transitional processes (i.e., preschool, elementary, secondary, post-secondary, work, community, class-class, activity-activity);

  • ongoing student, parent(s)/guardian(s) involvement;

  • ongoing review of expectations and services set out in the IEP;

  • planning and ongoing evaluation of special education services;

  • ongoing professional development of staff in current teaching strategies and methodologies designed to respond to the needs of exceptional students; and

  • ongoing learning for staff and students that fosters student mental health and well-being.