3.0 Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

The Special Education Advisory Committee of the 91妻友 Region District School Board is responsible for making recommendations to the Board with respect to any matter affecting the establishment and development of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils of the Board.

Following is a list of the 91妻友 Region Special Education Advisory Committee organizations and their current representatives:

The 91妻友 Region District School Board includes on its SEAC representatives from the elementary and secondary school principals, the Principals of Student Services, and two Superintendents of Schools on a rotating basis.  A complete list of the current members of SEAC, including staff and trustee representatives, along with contact information can be found on the Board website - SEAC Members List.

The appointment of SEAC representatives follows Regulation 464/97 of the Education Act.  A local association may write to the Director and/or the Administrative Assistant in Education and Community Services to request representation on the SEAC. A letter should include the nomination and qualifications of the nominee. The Board may appoint to membership of the SEAC only those persons who qualify. Each association is entitled to one member. Where there are more than twelve associations in the area of jurisdiction of the board, the Board shall select the twelve local associations that shall be represented.


SEAC Meetings

Special Education Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public and are usually held on the first Thursday of each month virtually and/or in-person at the Education Centre - Aurora at 7:00 p.m. SEAC meeting dates are posted on the Board Calendar and are communicated to the public. SEAC members also make reports to their respective associations regarding SEAC meeting items for the purposes of providing information and receiving subsequent feedback.


SEAC Successful Practices 

A Communications Subcommittee meets regularly prior to the SEAC meeting. The Communications Subcommittee provides a report as part of the regular SEAC agenda, sets goals and objectives for SEAC and annually reviews and evaluates progress. The SEAC submits the Annual Report to the Board every September. In addition, the SEAC nominates a member to sit on the Parent Engagement Advisory Committee (PEAC) and the Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee (EIAC).

The SEAC is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the Board with respect to any matter affecting the establishment, development and delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional students.  During the 2022-2023 school year, the SEAC was engaged in the following actions:

  • Provided input for Multi-year Strategic Plan and Director’s Action Plan

  • Reviewed Policies 218, 412 and 663

  • Engaged in Assessment, Evaluation and Communication presentation

  • SEAC Membership sharing of successful practices

  • Examined 2024-2025 Budget Overview 

  • Collection of SEAC Input into the 2024-2025 Budget Consultation Process 

  • Engaged in EQAO presentation 

  • Engaged in Caring and Safe Schools Suspension and Expulsion presentation

  • Reviewed the financial statements of the Board as they relate to special education (as recorded in SEAC meeting minutes, typically in May)